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Notes for the Genus:
Etymology - From the Greek stenos meaning narrow - relating to the narrow ribs on most species.Stenocereus is a genus comprised of primarily large, shrubby or tree-like columnar cacti. It is widespread from the Southern United States, throughout Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and into Northern South America.
Stems are cylindrical and often have numerous ribs. Ribs are slightly notched at the areoles with needle-like spines. The flowers are stout, funnel-shaped with recurved outer petals and prominent stamens. Floral tubes are spiny, but the spines drop off as it matures into fruit.
A few species of Stenocereus are grown as landscape plants in warmer areas. Due to their large size, they are not common in potted collections. Other species are non-existent in cultivation and given very little attention in the wild.