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Notes for the Genus:
Etymology - Named after the common name for the plant in Brazil -Quiabento.
The single species in the genus Quiabentia is a leafy cactus that grows like a typical deciduous tree. It generally forms a single trunk with a crown of branches that feature broad, flat leaves which are somewhat succulent. In this way, it is similar to either Pereskia or Pereskiopsis, although it is thought to be more similar to Pereskiopsis in that it contains glochids in the areoles. Flowers are red or pink and rise from the stem tips, and similar to the flowers of Pereskia. Floral tubes have spines and glochids. Fruits are fleshy with large round seeds.
One species is found in Bahia, Brazil and the other grows to the south in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Neither species is grown in cultivation, except occasional Botanic Gardens or among serious enthusiasts, with Q. verticillata being the more common of the two.