cactus pictures

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Below are some of the great things you can do on this site:

Cacti Name Search

New -Search for either the Latin (scientific) name or the common name of a cactus using this name search.


Note: The Latin Name Search includes synonyms and names that are no longer used.
To view all Common Names as a List, visit the Common Name List
Latin Names can be viewed at List of Latin Names and Synonyms

Watch Growing Cactus in Minnesota on PBS. An interview with creator - Daiv Freeman

Advanced Search

Search multiple criteria using the Advanced Search.

cactus distribution search

Geographic Distribution Search

The Distribution Search allows you to search by region, country, state, province or other political divisions to check for cacti that grow in that area. If you were visiting cacti in the wild, this feature will help you narrow down the potential species from that area.

Cacti Forum

The CactiForum is a great place to share and learn with other Cactus enthusiasts. We've got a great group of members already and always welcome new members. Cacti knowledge is not a requirement here, it is a result! Click here to go to the cacti forum.

Cactus Forum

That's Not a Cactus!

Not Cactus All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. If you are having a hard time identifying your "cactus" plant, be sure to use the Cacti or Not? page to rule out other succulents. You might be surprised when you find out that your very cactus-looking plant turns out not to be cactus at all.

Updated Terminology Page

Check out the all new Glossary of terms that is full of useful words and definitions that are related to cacti. Also find out "What's in a name" by visiting the Cacti Etymology pages. Learn how a cactus plant got it's name or what the name means. One page covers the different genera while the other handles the species names.

Habit Search

If you are not familiar with Cacti names, "Search by Habit" groups each cactus by it's shape!
Cactus Identification

Pictures By Location

See all images on from a particular location or a particular photographer by using the Directory of Cactus Picture Locations

Cacti List

Cactus Pictures
ID your cactus plant by browsing the Nav-Bar on the left. This is organized by Genus then species alphabetically.

More Great Info

Visit the Articles page for a more in-depth look at the cactus family! Learn growing tips, cacti classification, and more! Along with the Places, Sources, and Growing Cacti pages, the Articles page will help you explore cacti beyond this site. Tips on growing cacti, cactus book reviews, links to other web-sites on cactus, and garden/nursery locations are some of the things you find here. Book Recommendation
For book purchases, visit: exotic plant books Primary Objective:

The overall function of this site will be simply a cataloging of the different species in the family Cactaceae. The primary purpose is to include detailed photos as accurately as possible for the positive identification of a particular species. As a cacti enthusiast, I found that sometimes identifying a particular cactus species can be very difficult. Many sources have a limited number of photos or the photos are mostly close-ups of flowers. To add to the challenge, many sources have conflicting information on nomenclature. Therefore it is my hope that this site will not only be a rewarding hobby for me, but also serve as a useful resource for other cacti enthusiasts.

Note: I try not to post a picture unless I am relatively positive that I've identified it correctly. This does not mean that this site is free from mistakes. If you see a mistake, please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail and I will fix it.

Fun Feature: We have cactus picture contests on the CactiForum. Be sure to at least take a look at the first place winners on this page.

Site Statistics:
There are currently
  different species pictured on this site under 124 genera. An additional 689 subspecies, varieties, and forms are also listed under the species level.

There are approximately 1821 total possible species under 122 genera.
Over 11743 images are available for use in identification. All may be enlarged to 600 pixels either height or width.

*All images of cacti pictured on this site are those taken by me (Daiv Freeman) unless otherwise noted.
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