When do I move them to soil?

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When do I move them to soil?

Post by CephaloSquad »

Hello! How is everyone today?

I have 2 stems that have put out growth. My question is how long do I wait to try and remove the growth to root it? Do I just slice it off of the stem? I included images of the stem babies in question. I imagine this is much like beheading. However the rosette I beheaded didn't survive so I am nervous to do so again.

The first photo is from a flower stalk of my pachyveria. A housemate accidentally snapped it off, but I want to save the baby. I beleive the first one is big enough to try to root it but I don't want to cut anything until I hear what more experienced people have to say.
The flower stalk baby!
The flower stalk baby!
broken stem baby2.jpg (43.7 KiB) Viewed 2872 times

The second one is from a succulent I bought on clearance. It was in baaaaad shape. So bad that it was 99 cents. Anyway I pulled off the leaves, beheaded it, and left the stem to its own devices. The stem and leaves both propagated wonderfully, as you can see. The rosette I beheaded never rooted, it just shriveled up and dried to a crisp. I beleive this is an aeonium of some sort but am unsure. Before it underwent its beheading procedure I tried to get an ID from another site but nobody could ID it.
Look how adorable they are!
Look how adorable they are!
stem aeonium2.jpg (68.97 KiB) Viewed 2872 times
Thanks for the insights!
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Re: When do I move them to soil?

Post by esp_imaging »

If they are growing well, I'd leave them for a month or 2 until they are much bigger. Tiny cuttings will grow slowly and be more vulnerable to dehydration and other risks than larger ones. This applies especially to the Pachyveria.

With the Aeonium (?), the situation is a little different - because it has produced so many heads, that they will all grow slowly anyway. It may be worth cutting a few off now, either to try rooting or just to discard, to leave perhaps 3 heads on the original plant. These should then grow much quicker, with the energies of the plant being spread across fewer developing rosettes.
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