Advice for grafted Euphorbia?

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Advice for grafted Euphorbia?

Post by saboten »

Hello all,

A while back my mom ordered a grafted crested Euphorbia for me. She got it online, and it was potted in one of those designer only-for-decoration pots, where there is no drain hole and the top rocks are glued down. I haven't gotten it out of there yet, and the rocks are really glued in -- I was trying to chisel some free using a mallet and screwdriver earlier.

Well, the stock seems to be OK but the Euphorbia seems to be getting kind of flexible -- not squishy per se, but not as firm as it once was. I'm figuring the first course of action is to get it out of that god-forsaken gluey rock trap, and into something drainable, but does anyone have advice for going about that? Are there any good methods, or should I just full on smash the thing? (I would like to salvage the pot as it's an attractive vessel).
And once that's done, I'm wondering about advice for these kinds of plants, as I'm unfamiliar with grafts and Euphorbias.
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Re: Advice for grafted Euphorbia?

Post by ElieEstephane »

I would smash the pot and be over with it. As for the plant, the stock is an euphorbia neriifolia which is a very forgiving euphorbia. I think one of my big (1m+) neriifolias is still in clay soil since as long as i can remember. You can maybe moisten the soil to help it get some energy back and try to repot it. Don't be suprised but euphorbias usually have small root systems. No full sun for this one
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Re: Advice for grafted Euphorbia?

Post by saboten »

Thanks Elie, that's helpful. Good to know about no full sun. I finally broke through the stupid gluey rocks and dirt -- and you're sure right about the small root system. I accidentally chiseled into the plant and it bled some white sap, but I think it should recover from that, as it wasn't too deep.
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