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Mike A
Posts: 73
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Post by Mike A »

Do cacti grow in winter?
I'm talking about temps of 5-10c at night, and up to 25c during the day (usually around 20 though).
Never goes below freezing.
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Winter growth

Post by templegatejohn »

Hi Mike,

In my experience in England where the temperatures can fall much lower than the ones you specified if the plants are kept bone dry, they will not make any growth at all. In winter some cacti like some of the Parodias or Melocacti do need a light watering occasionally, or a mist spray, but this is really just to keep them ticking over and stop them from shrivelling, much the same as many Asclepiads do. This does not really bring them into growth and would probably be detrimental if it did, as the new growth would be very susceptible to damage if a cold spell did come along.

Best regards
Mike A
Posts: 73
Joined: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:09 am
Location: Israel

Post by Mike A »

Well everything I grow is outside in the open, so I guess the rain will take care of that watering.
The problem is that I have some really young plants, and I'd like to see them a bit bigger by next summer.
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