Echinopsis Eyerisii nade babies

Multiplying your cacti vegetatively.
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Echinopsis Eyerisii nade babies

Post by debbieb »

The babies when I first saw them, about the size of marbles.
The babies when I first saw them, about the size of marbles.
011813CactusBabies.JPG (69.46 KiB) Viewed 1214 times
I rescued a 3' tall Echinopsis Eyerisii (I didn't know that was what it was until I found the ID forum on this website.. thank you)... I moved it indoors by the sliding glass door for the wet, cold winter months and a few weeks ago, I noticed it had produced some babies! There is a cluster of three and they are now about an inch tall. They are right next to the parent plant, but look like they come out of the ground, not attached to the side of the parent. Now what do I do?
I was going to replant the parent into a larger pot but then it started blooming so I didn't, then the rains were coming so I moved it inside, and now it's a mother. I don't want to damage any of them, although the mother plant is suffering either from sunburn or water rot (it was that way when I found it). Should I leave the babies alone for awhile or put them in their own pot? How do I do that if I need to move them??
Douglas Firsure
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Re: Echinopsis Eyerisii nade babies

Post by Douglas Firsure »

No rush, I would let them grow until they were too crowded then repot them.
Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:13 am

Re: Echinopsis Eyerisii made babies

Post by debbieb »

Really? Okay, then.. I will let them grow. Thank you.
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