Best variety/ss of Ariocarpus Kotschoubeyanus?

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Best variety/ss of Ariocarpus Kotschoubeyanus?

Post by Jaybizzle »


What is considered the most desirable variety or subspecies of Ariocarpus Kotschoubeyanus and why?

Seems like these are the varieties/subspecies of Ario kotschoubeyanus. Is there really that much variation among members of this species? What are the major differences?

Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus subs. albiflorus (Backeb.) Glass
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus subs. tulensis Halda
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus var. elephantidens Skarupke
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus var. macdowellii (Backeb.) Krainz
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus subs. skarupkeanus Halda & Horáček
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus subs. sladkovskyi Halda & Horáček

From the web:

A. kotschoubeyanus is a variable species:
As with most other widely distributed species of this genus there appears to be geographical clines, in this case a north - south cline and a west - east cline.
The plants in northern populations (known as A. kotschoubeyanus. var. macdowellii) are smaller than the type, with small beak-like tubercles and pale mauve flowers, often with a high white content in the outer petals.
In contrast the southerly form ( known as A. kotschoubeyanus var. elephantendens) are much larger with larger, highly textured, triangulate tubercles, and a deep purple flower with little or no white content.
A. kotschoubeyanus ssp. sladkovskyi differs from the other red flowering A. kotschoubeyanus (that have a dull and rough epidermis) for having a smoother and shiny epidermis.
A small growing form with white flowers (known as A. kotschoubeyanus var. albiflorus) has been described in Tamaulipas.
The type species is intermediate between all the above forms and is to be found off highway 80, between El Huisache Junction and Santo Domingo.
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Re: Best variety/ss of Ariocarpus Kotschoubeyanus?

Post by MikeInOz »

I can't answer your question but I would be inclined to get them all and enjoy the variety. They are easily disposed in the unlikely event that you don't like one. One of the things I enjoy most in cacti growing is studying the different forms within one species. Have a look at Hajek Kaktusy's latest list of Echinocactus horizonthalonius forms in the seed list. There are 10 pages! It will blow your mind. I defy anyone to choose the best.
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Re: Best variety/ss of Ariocarpus Kotschoubeyanus?

Post by DaveW »

There are as many forms of any species as you want to distinguish since no two plants are identical if not clones. Therefore it is a personal opinion as to what degree of variation in that species deserves a subspecific designation.

The usual forms accepted for A. kotschoubeyanus are kotschoubeyanus (type), mcdowllii and elephantidens. Evidently flower colour can vary in one kotschoubeyanus population with some producing white flowers therefore whether albiflorus deserves distinguishing other than horticulturally is again a matter of opinion. You quote the comment on the left of the link below that A. kotschoubeyanus is a variable species detailing most of the differences of the forms:- ... florus.htm

The other names seem to originate from E. European collectors who tend to be "splitters" therefore how much they really vary is a matter of opinion. ... 20rosettes. ... houbeyanus ... acdowellii

I presume "tulensis" should be neotulensis Halda? ... eotulensis

Afraid I cannot find anything on skarupkeanus

Living Rocks is one of the best sites for Ariocarpus descriptions.
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