Is my stapeliiformis rotting?

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Is my stapeliiformis rotting?

Post by Calamity »

Hi all. First post
New to this hobby. Well new to doing it properly and having plants other then my aloe collection i guess 😅
I live in the pacific northwest. I try and keep my potted cacti and succulents outside when its nice for summer but bring them in if its supposed to rain. So right now they are all staying outside day/night. They have all been acclimated to the sun. No signs of burning etc. I followed the writeup from this forum on potting medium. 1pt soil. 1pt coir. 2pt pumice. Added about 1/2pt aquarium plant substrate gravel since I had some leftover. 2" of lava rock below that. Draining pots.
They all seem perfectly happy except my stapeliiformis
Im not sure if this is from too much water. Not enough. Too much sun?
I went out this morning to water them all and i had 1 whole stem flopped over. A fatter stem had been looking off the other day. But the others seem okay
Soil feels dry when i stick my finger down.
They all seem to be getting good healthy growth up top.
I did my best to try and get off all old dirt from purchase but didnt want to damage roots but trying too hard. Ive had this plant for just over a month.

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Re: Is my stapeliiformis rotting?

Post by Jangaudi »

hmm, I had this as well , but with another Kleinia species, exact same thing at the base. I think it was from overwatering, as the root of the cutting wasn't well established at that time, though it did survive. Kleinias are a bit of a mystery concerning growing period, as even kleinia neriifolia is supposed to be a winter in some sources, and i was wondering why the leaves were dying back in the beginning of the summer, even though I kept watering them. I later dicsovered that the Canary Isles, where they originate, have no rainfall during summer, and I guess it gets hot there. So I stopped watering, as the plants seem dormant, and the main stem keeps fully bloated, no signs of shriveling whatsoever.
In case of stapeliiformis, it says on llifle : " It is probably a winter grower and need water from October, when the new leaves can be seen forming on the growing tip In April the leaves begin to go yellow and drop off, so now it rests quite dry in to summer. But others suggest to water it moderately all year round as it tends to be an opportunistic plant that tend to grow in each time of the year whenever it has enough water in fair weather and rest when temperatures are too hot or too cool and may have several or sometimes no growth cycles in a year."
So I think your plants could go dormant in the hot summer heat, and thus won't take up much water, so probably best to keep them on the dry side during this time (as it says above) If the plants would be in a cooler summer environment they probably would keep growing ;)
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Re: Is my stapeliiformis rotting?

Post by Calamity »

Hmm i can definitely try not watering this one. Or would i be better moving it to a spot that gets a bit less sun.
Though if they are dorment in summer these are still getting lots of new growth which is odd then.
I usually look at my Opuntia Subulata for hints that they all need water. Its little leaves start to get a bit sad looking when theyre all ready for a drink.
The table these are sitting on starts to get direct sun around 10/11am as it comes around the house then closer to 4 the sun is behind some trees so its partially shaded after that.
Is there any saving this limp one? Its pretty dead looking where its bent.
The big stalk the wilty little one is attached too looks fine.
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Re: Is my stapeliiformis rotting?

Post by Jangaudi »

Calamity wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:07 pm
Though if they are dorment in summer these are still getting lots of new growth which is odd then.
I told you they are a bit of a mystery :D . Could be they only just now go dormant, hard to tell from here. As said before, they could potentially go dormant when conditions are too harsh, but not otherwise. I'd take it easy on direct sun and see if they continue their growth in lower temperatures.
Is there any saving this limp one? Its pretty dead looking where its bent.
Had this too, but it survived all right :
IMG20200731173230.jpg (107.88 KiB) Viewed 2129 times
And these are my Kleinia neriifolias, all leaves have shrivelled by now, but plants in good shape, so I'm waiting until temperatures drop again.
IMG20200731173207.jpg (212.9 KiB) Viewed 2129 times
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