Letting a cutting produce flowers or not

Multiplying your cacti vegetatively.
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Letting a cutting produce flowers or not

Post by footballwr82 »

I have a new cutting of a Peruvian Apple cactus that is about 10” tall. It recently flowered and afterward I checked to see if any roots had grown yet. I had it planted in the pot for about 3 1/2 weeks but no roots have grown. Should you not let a new cutting flower? Does it spend all its energy producing the flower instead of growing roots? Or does it not really matter and the roots will still grow, just a little slower?
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Re: Letting a cutting produce flowers or not

Post by DaveW »

With "normal" plants they did not advocate letting a cutting flower and even used to remove some leaves to reduce water loss before it rooted. However with Succulents they usually have retained enough water to both flower and root. Again Succulent plants like cacti can stand quite a time before rooting, sometimes up to six months, though most are usually quicker.



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Re: Letting a cutting produce flowers or not

Post by footballwr82 »

Awesome! I’m glad to hear it. I like the flowers and didn’t want to have to prune them. Thank you!
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