Wind (fan) will harm the seedlings?

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Wind (fan) will harm the seedlings?

Post by mmcavall »

I have had some problems with my seedlings that are already out of the bag.
They are kept in a shaded corner of the greenhouse with poor ventilation. Problems such as fungus gnaths and some possible fungi appeared. So I decided to put a fan over the seedlings.
Pots dried out very quickly but I have the feeling that it may stress the seedlings. Maybe they will dehidrate? Or just feel stressed?

Anyway I moved the fan in such a way that there is air flow but not direct wind.

While air flow is definitely good, I would like to know what are the trade offs of give the seedlings some wind.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Wind (fan) will harm the seedlings?

Post by SDK1 »

Slower growth is the tradeoff, generally speaking. Stress isn't really an issue in and of itself. It has to be contextualized on a scale. For example, going from shade to full sun will stress any plant. Even well-established, mature specimens may suffer such extreme sunburn that they end up dying if immediate care is not taken to protect the plant and allow it to recover from any injury it may have suffered.

I think your seedlings will be fine as long as you don't let them dry out and any change in conditions is gradual. Airflow is good, they'll appreciate it as long as it's kept at a reasonable level.
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Re: Wind (fan) will harm the seedlings?

Post by mmcavall »

Yes. I think you are right
Thank you for the insight!
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