Pink roots vs White roots

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Pink roots vs White roots

Post by rampart13 »

I am relatively new to succulents. I started with several leaves (most unknown as they are just leaves) that I am trying to propagate new plants from. I only recently came across this website so all my information came from various blogs. As you can imagine there are differing opinions on how to propagate. One site said to leave the cuttings on top of the soil mixture another said to stick the plant into the soil. The ones left on top produced pink roots and the submerged ones produced white roots. One of the pink rooted ones has started a new plant. Will the white rooted ones do the same or should I just toss them?

Also should I be watering the roots? If so, how often?

Like I am relatively new to succulents but I love them already. I have acquired several different types and will be posting for ID soon.

Side-note: why do people not like Kalanchoe? particularly Mother of Thousands? I have one in a pot with other succulents. Is that ok?

Sorry for all the questions. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Pink roots vs White roots

Post by CactusFanDan »

Roots are still roots regardless of the colour. As long as they're live roots then they can be yellow, white, green, pink, whatever. :P The white ones should produce a new plant too, but not knowing what plant it is, then who knows where the plant will come from. Pot them up all the same and water them when they dry out.

As for Kalanchoe, it's called Mother of Thousands from a reason. :lol: Each leaf on the adult plants produces around 20 baby plants which drop off and root in another pot and the cycle continues. So basically they end up being a weed in a tropical succulent collection. :P
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Re: Pink roots vs White roots

Post by rampart13 »

Great thanks so much!
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