Encouraging Gymnocalycium to pup

Multiplying your cacti vegetatively.
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Encouraging Gymnocalycium to pup

Post by BarryRice »

Hey Guys,

I'd like to propagate some of my Gymnocalycium plants. Since I'm fond of some of the clones in particular, I'd like to do this vegetatively. Is there a way to encourage or force them to pup? I've read about drilling the meristem out of Echinocactus grusonii, and while that barbaric-seeming tactic sounds extreme to me, would it work on Gymnocalycium?

I know that some Gymnocalycium pup, but do they all? It seems that some are rather shy about this....


I'll grow it as long as it doesn't have glochids. Gaudy flowers a plus.
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Re: Encouraging Gymnocalycium to pup

Post by CoronaCactus »

Yes, drilling the meristem will cause it to pup, a hot knitting needle or large pin will do the same without as much visible damage to the plant. This should work for virtually any cactus. Otherwise, sit back and wait :D You'll have some wait time anyway, even with the drilling/hot pin trick.

A lot of Gymno's pup naturally, some do not.
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Re: Encouraging Gymnocalycium to pup

Post by Peterthecactusguy »

basically any damage to any type of cacti to the meristem will cause it to "pup". We have a saguaro that someone (not me) hit with a weed whacker. It destroyed most of the top part of the cactus, BUT it has grown a new "pup" off the main stem. I sorta wonder if it will make it to be a huge giant or if it will not grow very tall..

As for Gymnos, I am not expert, but the ones I have ( the goofy moon cacti, I didnt have the heart to kill for the Hylocereus stock) they pup insanely fast. :) As was stated already, some Gymnos pup and some dont.
Here's to you, all you insidious creatures of green..er I mean cacti.
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