Hello all, it's good to know that I can finally upload pictures again.
I have a question about seedlings. This is the first time I've tried to grow cacti from seeds. The one pictured below is possibly E grusonii brevispinus, but I'm not sure. I didn't label them properly.
Anyway, I wonder if it's supposed to be red like that. Keep in mind that
*I'm in Sydney
*the seedling hasn't received any direct sunlight yet
*it's just under 1cm tall
*it's been like this for about 1.5 years, at least I haven't seen any noticeable differences
*it's in a ziplock bag (I took it out of the bag for the photo)
It's the biggest seedling I have, so I don't want to lose it.
Red Seedling
Red Seedling
Paralysis by analysis...sigh
It might be getting too much light, but that colour would be to the point of scorching to death.
From your description it sounds more likely that you have a mutant that doesn't make chlorophyll. Quite possible from what must be very inbred seed. Grafting would be best, although it might pull through on its own.
From your description it sounds more likely that you have a mutant that doesn't make chlorophyll. Quite possible from what must be very inbred seed. Grafting would be best, although it might pull through on its own.