New arrivals

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Neko Bazu
Posts: 301
Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 10:30 am
Location: Luton, UK

New arrivals

Post by Neko Bazu »

Happy days - the first of my purchases for this year have arrived, with more due later this week!


In case the labels aren't clear enough, the left is (hopefully!) Cleistocactus Strausii x Denmoza, and the right is O. Macrocentra.

As well as wanting to have a brief glee over them, I'm also hoping to get a little advice re: potting them. The cleisto obviously requires tongs and a lot of care, and I've discovered (and am still discovering three hours later) that the opuntia's spines aren't exactly cuddlable either. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what the best way to make sure enough soil gets between the roots etc might be, without incurring too many lacerations? :lol:

The two also seem to be very much full and green and really not showing any signs of having been left to be over-wintered. Would I be better off keeping them in the warm this time round, or will they be okay being put into a cool greenhouse and allowed to remain dormant for the next couple of months? I know the opuntia's listed as a hardy species, but I don't really want to blindly risk disturbing/shocking either of them too much!
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