Sempervivum 'Oddity'

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Sempervivum 'Oddity'

Post by Wildfyre »

Does anyone else here grow this plant? Any suggestions?

I have a friend who is Hen and Chicks obsessed so I was at a local plant shop looking for one she doesn't already have and I stumbled accross this. It deffinately looks unusual...
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Post by Demone »

what does it look like exactly?

i've got four now, just picked up two on my way home haha i have a purple varient, very beautiful, along with my original pink and green. i just picked up one that looks as though it has small cobwebs growing all over, but even the new stubs have the fuz. the other one i got is a very pale blue and green. does yours sound like any of the formentioned?

they seem fairly easy to care for. just make sure you give them a nice sized pot to grow in, or put them out in the garden. water whenever the soil seems too dry (only a few times a month) and i like to wipe down the leaves to get rid of any bugs or dust.

on most sites i've visited on the sembervivums it is mentioned that you should feed a small amount of plant fertilizer, but mine seem to be flourishing without it.

best of luck and i'd love to see pictures! i'll post a few pictures of mine if you want to compare types.

- Adrian
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Re: Sempervivum 'Oddity'

Post by Reiki »

'Oddity' and 'Griggs surprise' (though i suppose it should be Grigg's surprise) are two of the few monstrose sempervivums. They seem to no be very popular as when i've listed them for sale no-one has bought them. Totally hardy in the UK.

Best regards

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