cactus brown at base

Trouble shoot problems you are having with your cactus.
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cactus brown at base

Post by spideb »

My cactus is turning brown at its base, about 2 inches now. It has a lot of smaller "branches" that look okay so far and a lot of small deadish looking offshoots. What can I do to save it? Thanks.
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Post by CoronaCactus »

Is the plant kept indoors? Do you water it much?

Sounds like it could be rot. Rot is usually from overwatering or if the soil does not get enough dry time and remians damp. Probably want to check the roots. If it's gooey and mushy, it's rot. With a clean sharp knife, cut away all the mush. Place the plant in a dry area for a few days to a week to allow the cut area to callous over. Once dry, replant it.
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Post by peterb »

Hi- If it's possible to post a picture, that would help . It wouldn't help the plant, but us! Sometimes cacti turn brown at the bottom due to age, but the brownish offsets/branches on yours don't sound good. It could be a spider mite infestation or it could be rot.

In other words, there might be no problem at all or there might be a serious problem.

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i'll try to take a pic

Post by spideb »

no digital camera though maybe I can use my cell phone

I've had it for years, I never water it b/c it is in my bathroom and seems to do fine with just mist from the shower. It has always had these brown shooter things, not sure if they are roots or what.

When you say cut away, do you mean like just the outside or cut off the bottom?

I hate when plants die, I feel like they are depending on me, that sounds sort of stupid. I am only home once a week due to a divorce and ex being in the marital home. I visit with the dog, water the plants, etc. So far the plants are hanging in there except the cactus which looks like I feel lately. haha
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Post by peterb »

Ugh, transitions like that can be rough. Hope both you and your cacti hang tough. The four kinds of brown on a cactus that I know of:

1. rot: soft, mushy goopy tissue that often spells the end of a plant unless it can be completely removed

2. spider mite damage: a tough browning of the epidermis with the underlying tissue still firm and green, a result of mites eating the top layers of cells.

3. sunburn: usually lighter brown, usually pretty clearly burning; result of introducing a plant to too much sun. Again, the tissue under the brown is right as rain.

4. Natural corking: some plants form tough brown "bark" at the base only, as a mostly natural response to aging.

The only mushy brown is rot.

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