Agave attenuata mass flowering

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Agave attenuata mass flowering

Post by eduart »

Hi there!

Last winter (June-August) a large number of Agave attenuata (very popular down here in NZ) have flowered - about 200 to 300 only in Auckland, compared to few dozens as it is in any other year. I thought that this has happened because of the very mild winter. Recently someone told me that it is a cyclic phenomenon, and it has nothing to do with the weather; it is occuring every 15 - 20 years or so.

Has anyone any knowledge about mass flowering of Agaves?


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Post by templegatejohn »

Hi Eduart, Sorry mate can't help you there. But it is an interesting theory. I will have to try and check that out.

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Post by DieTer-Xz »

Agaves flower all at the same time like a lot of cacti do.
Seeds that germinate at the same time in the same growing conditions, also flower at the same time, so you have seeds at the same time and those probably germinate at the same time (the exceptions are the plants that flower between the cycli), you can see that with all sorts of animals and plants, like carnivorous plants and Melolontha melolontha (don't know the English name) has cycli of 4 years, because the rate of growth of the larvae is the same, depending on the weather conditions.
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