Aeonium species on the Canary Islands 1

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Aeonium species on the Canary Islands 1

Post by perez-suarez »

Since more than 20 years I live on Gran Canaria more than 5 months a year. In my garden I have a Aeonium collection, also I have seen
many Aeonium species at there habitat: There are about 36 div. species on the Canary Islands- on seven islands. Each island has one to about five
Aeonium species. I also have seen two endemic species on Madeira.
Marocco has one specie: Aeonium korneliuslemsii,
Kap Verden one specie Aeonium gorgoneum,
East Africa ( Jemen) two species A.leucoblepharum and A.stuessyi.
I want to show you some of my Aeonium pics from the Canary Island and Madeira.
Two much pics- continuation!
Aeonium aureum 2.JPG
Aeonium aureum 2.JPG (122.48 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium aureum, Orchis canariensis.JPG
Aeonium aureum, Orchis canariensis.JPG (175.11 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium canariense ssp latifolium, flower.JPG
Aeonium canariense ssp latifolium, flower.JPG (152.46 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium canariense ssp. latifolium.La Gomera.jpg
Aeonium canariense ssp. latifolium.La Gomera.jpg (142.14 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium ciliatum.JPG
Aeonium ciliatum.JPG (181.42 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium cuneatum, Teneriffa.jpg
Aeonium cuneatum, Teneriffa.jpg (149.43 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium decorum, Lobularia canariensis.jpg
Aeonium decorum, Lobularia canariensis.jpg (120.44 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium diplocyclum 1.jpg
Aeonium diplocyclum 1.jpg (140.02 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium escobarii, La Palma, Standort.jpg
Aeonium escobarii, La Palma, Standort.jpg (100.63 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium glandulosum, Madeira.jpg
Aeonium glandulosum, Madeira.jpg (160.6 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium glutinosum,  Madeira.jpg
Aeonium glutinosum, Madeira.jpg (211.87 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium gomerense, La Gomera.jpg
Aeonium gomerense, La Gomera.jpg (138.97 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium haworthii.jpg
Aeonium haworthii.jpg (160.94 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium hierense 1.jpg
Aeonium hierense 1.jpg (165.76 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium holochrysum.JPG
Aeonium holochrysum.JPG (201.76 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium lancerottense (4).jpg
Aeonium lancerottense (4).jpg (136.55 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium lindleyi.jpg
Aeonium lindleyi.jpg (191.85 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium manriqueorum.jpg
Aeonium manriqueorum.jpg (131.98 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium mascaense mit Blüten.JPG
Aeonium mascaense mit Blüten.JPG (185.89 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium nobile_ Blüte.jpg
Aeonium nobile_ Blüte.jpg (118.71 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium palmense, Cristate.jpg
Aeonium palmense, Cristate.jpg (128.27 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium percaneum 3.jpg
Aeonium percaneum 3.jpg (187.08 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium pseudourbicum.jpg
Aeonium pseudourbicum.jpg (128.9 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
Aeonium saundersii (640x422).jpg
Aeonium saundersii (640x422).jpg (100.17 KiB) Viewed 3531 times
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Re: Aeonium species on the Canary Islands 1

Post by Lanasgarden »

Thank you for sharing! Beautiful specimens!
Born to garden...forced to work
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Re: Aeonium species on the Canary Islands 1

Post by jerrytheplater »

Thanks for the habitat photos.
Jerry Smith
Bloomingdale, NJ
45 inches (114 cm) rain equivalent per year, approx. evenly spread per month
2012 USDA Hardiness Zone 6b: -5F to OF (-20C to -18C) min.
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