Cacti in the tropics

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Re: Cacti in the tropics

Post by Salazar »

Thought I'd share this first time bloomer. Always nice to see their first ones.
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Re: Cacti in the tropics

Post by Salazar »

It's unfortunate that I won't be able to see this one open. This is only the second time it's flowered. It's still quite nice to look at even when closed though.

I believe this one is a Coryphantha elephantidens subs. bumamma do correct me if I'm wrong though.
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Re: Cacti in the tropics

Post by 7george »

It is always a blooming time in tropics!
If your cacti mess in your job just forget about the job.
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Re: Cacti in the tropics

Post by Salazar »


Since the middle of last year at least one plant has been in bloom or has buds developing.

This year has been the best so far in terms of flowering. I've even been trying to produce seeds but still waiting to see if pollination was successful.
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Re: Cacti in the tropics

Post by Salazar »

The hot sunny days of the dry season has really spurred on flower development.

Thelocactus setispinus
An ever reliable bloomer and the sweet scent and bright colors really attract the bees.
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Frailea grahliana
Not the most showy flower but it's still nice whenever flowers do form. Also apologies for the overexposed flower.
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Echinopsis oxygona
Very happy to see this one flower as it's a first timer and there's a few more buds on the way.
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Here's a Matucana in bud, don't quite know which species though. It's been pretty badly neglected but I'm glad it's bouncing back.
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There's a couple more plants in bud, some Gymnocalyciums, Euphorbias and the Coryphantha in the previous post having at least two buds on it but they're still buried under the fuzz. Fingers crossed it'll be in bloom on a day when I'm home.
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Re: Cacti in the tropics

Post by Salazar »

Time for a little update

Here are the Coryphantha elephantidens flowers I mentioned last time, recent rains have pushed down the fluff to reveal the two flower buds.
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Matucana sp. flower bud is starting to get bigger now and another one has started to grow. This species takes quite a while to grow a flower at lest compared to the other plants I have, last time it flowered it took around seven weeks.
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A. asterias will be blooming again with at least two flower buds this time
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A relatively new addition, Mammillaria melaleuca, is planning to flower, a first timer.
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Here's another new addition, Discocactus zehntneri, which may or may not be starting to grow a cephalium(?) I just don't know. The growth pattern has changed from when I first got it. Growth stopped for a week or two then the center fluff began piling up then new spines began to grow from the center as opposed to the spines beginning growing further out.
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