Astrophytum caput medusae signs of drying help

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Astrophytum caput medusae signs of drying help

Post by Calvinandhobbes »

Ive had this caput medusae for a few months. It's on it's own roots and potted in akadama and pumice. Temps between 20-23c, humidity around 55%. Strong grow lights (same as my other cacti, which are all fine).

I watered it a few days ago, but i noticed that its showing some shriveling. What should I do?
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Re: Astrophytum caput medusae signs of drying help

Post by MikeInOz »

I found they can lose the odd leaf for no apparent reason (there's always a reason of course) with no lasting damage.
This winter I had a mouse eat about 30 well developed seedlings (about the size of yours) to the ground. All that was left was the root stock and the center bud deep in the heart of the plant. They are all showing signs of re-growing this spring! Luckily, I did not throw them out after swearing every swear word in my vocabulary......
Made sure they get plenty of calcium during the growing season. I use both ground limestone and ground gypsum. About sand sized particles sprinkled over them in spring. It lasts all year and probably longer.
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