First Cacti Advice and Identity Confirmation?

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First Cacti Advice and Identity Confirmation?

Post by dswanner »

Hi Everyone!

I bought this cactus a little over a month ago from a garden center in Southern Colorado. While they didn't know it's exact name, they had some general advice such as make sure it gets plenty of sun, water it once a month in Spring and fall, twice a month in Summer, and little to none in winter. I was hoping to get some confirmation on if this is good advice, and any other helpful guidance you guys and gals can offer! Especially in regard to how long should it remain in the original pot.

In regard to identity, with some help from someone on reddit I found the Mammillaria list on this website, and believe I found a good match in Mammillaria Melanocentra. Would anyone be able to confirm this?

Thank you so much in advance!

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Re: First Cacti Advice and Identity Confirmation?

Post by greenknight »

Mammillaria melanocentra is correct, I'd say.

You need to immediately take it out of the pot and check to see if it was potted properly, usually they aren't. Nurseries raise cactus seedlings in a peaty mix which is kept evenly damp, this works great for producing fast growth in a hothouse environment. Not good for normal growing, though - if the stuff gets soaked, it stays wet too long, if it get dried out it resists re-wetting. That peat should all be removed from the roots when they're potted up for sale, but often it's not. See: ... =25&t=9222

What's visible of the potting mix here looks good - a lot of pumice or perlite, not much organic matter - but if the roots are wadded up in a gob of peat you're going to have problems unless you fix that.

Once you see what the roots look like you'll be better able to judge whether to keep it in this size pot or go a little larger. the pot should be just a little larger than the existing root ball.

That watering advice is okay as a general guideline, but it varies depending on conditions - rather than water strictly on a schedule, you need to judge how dry the potting mix is. Generally, they need more water in hotter weather - but in extreme heat, especially if it stays very warm at night, they may go into heat dormancy and stop taking up water. In that case, you need to hold off on giving any more water or you could cause root rot.

In the winter, they should get a dormant period when they get little or no water. Ideally, they should be kept cool then (except for tropical species) - they can go without any water if it's cool enough, say 40 to 45f. Most people can't provide a cool enough place, though, which means a little dribble of water needs to be given periodically to avoid major root loss.You don't want to really soak the soil then, just give a couple teaspoonsful.
Spence :mrgreen:
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Re: First Cacti Advice and Identity Confirmation?

Post by dswanner »

Hey thank you so much,

Sorry for the delayed response! Been quite busy, but I'll be posting new pictures somewhat soon showing roots. When I lifted it out of the mix it's in, it appeared to be in just regular potting soil with some perlite and a little bit of gravel, and had no major clumping which was a relief though the roots are starting to coil around the bottom. So, I delayed repotting for a bit until I was able to be sure I had my ducks in a row.

In the mean time here is the soil I picked up, and the pot I plan on moving him to.

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Re: First Cacti Advice and Identity Confirmation?

Post by greenknight »

That's a typical commercial cactus mix - too much "forest products" and peat, not enough grit. I would mix that stuff 50/50 with pumice or perlite, in more humid areas I would recommend also adding some hard gravel that doesn't absorb any water. Also, pick out any larger chunks of wood - "forest products" generally means partially-rotted bark, which usually contains some wood chips that are not a good thing to have in your mix.

If the roots are not trapped in a gob of peat you don't have to be quite as thorough at cleaning off the roots, but you should still remove as much of the old mix as will easily come off. Do this any time you change to a different mix.

The pot looks like a reasonable choice.
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Re: First Cacti Advice and Identity Confirmation?

Post by dswanner »

Hi Spence! Once again thanks for the help, and sorry for the delayed response.

I just repotted it, and my other cactus into their new pots with the 50/50 soil to perlite. Tried to remove as much bark chips as a I could.
Before I put them in though I took pictures of the roots so I could ask everyone on here if they look ok or not. It's been about 2 weeks since they were last watered as that's currently about how often I've been watering them and because I wanted them to be mostly dry so I could remove as much soil as possible.

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Re: First Cacti Advice and Identity Confirmation?

Post by greenknight »

The roots look good on both of them, they should do great.
Spence :mrgreen:
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