Lithop stunted growth?

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Lithop stunted growth?

Post by ascag »

Greetings all,

This is my first post - thank you for having me :)
I am pretty knowledgeable on most succulents and cacti, but this is my second lithop (the first died) and I am still having trouble. I live in Arizona, U.S.A. - the ambient humidity here is generally < 10% most of the year and the days are hot! (well over 100F in the summer). I keep my plant indoors, in a south-facing window. So the temp. inside is roughly 65-80F and humidity is still dry between 10-20%. The plant receives bright light about 6 hours a day. The potting soil is a mix of the original from the desert arboretum (sandy, well-draining soil) mixed with some "cactus/succulent" soil mix from the local store. I got the plant in springtime 2019. At the time, the plant had some shriveled, dried, outer leaves - I watered the plant once a month and stopped in the hottest summer months (June, July, August, September). I read on one website that in the early Fall/late summer, you can start giving water again (just a little bit) if the newer leaves are looking shriveled. I watered in mid-august so that just the upper half of the soil was moist. I then did a complete watering in October. I have not watered ONCE since then (I read online to not water during winter months).

My confusion is that Arizona has odd "seasons" - for instance, we don't really have a spring or winter. Its 100F right April! The pictures attached are from today - this is the appearance of my plant for the last 2 months. The website I keep referring to says to not water until the outer leaves dry and shrivel. But the main leaf in the center is partially shriveled too and semi-firm to touch. Also - what's up with the split in the top? It looks like the plant is creating a new body at the wrong time??? When should I water? Does anyone know what my plant is trying to do? Thanks!

Lihop 2.jpg
Lihop 2.jpg (110.02 KiB) Viewed 949 times
lithop 1.jpg
lithop 1.jpg (27.62 KiB) Viewed 949 times
lithop 3.jpg
lithop 3.jpg (106.02 KiB) Viewed 949 times
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Re: Lithop stunted growth?

Post by Aloinopsis »

The singular and plural are both Lithops.

You are doing several things wrong with these plants.

Lithops need treatment similar to other Mesembryanthemums, not any cactus or other succulents.

Jane Evans breeds Lithops in Arizona and is a good source of information:
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Re: Lithop stunted growth?

Post by samhain »

No expert but keeping mine happy for a couple years. I have a much courser grit soil and water them what seems like never, after they shed and if they start to shrivel again. Climate here probably isn’t tremendously different maybe slightly cooler and cooler nights depending what part of Az you’re in. Is that pot free draining?
15F-110F. 14” annual rainfall. 8b. 3000’
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Re: Lithop stunted growth?

Post by ascag »

I'll check out the Jane Evans youtube video - thanks!

Samhain - when I water this plant, the water instantly drains from the bottom. I essentially give it a deep soak and then remove all water from the catch basin.
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