What Selenicereus would grow (wild) in Puerto Rico?

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What Selenicereus would grow (wild) in Puerto Rico?

Post by BennieAnTheJets »

Too bad nachtkrabb is not online - I think she (hope I am right about the pronoun) has two confirmed species and is knowledgeable about these.

I am not - maybe you are?

I got two species of Selenicereus grandiflorus but have read that there are different hybrids (?) and wonder what I got?

The first one is from Puerto Rico and is said to have been growing in the woods there. The other I am not sure about. They do look different, but the Puerto Rico one is a smaller cutting that arrived a little etiolated, I think, with spines stretched further apart at one end and a little pale - the other cuttings are strong and vigorous and dark green - so maybe the same if both are properly grown?

Also, what is the difference between different Selenicereus grandiflorus?? I think nachtkrabb has a donkelari?

Here are the cuttings I was so happy to receive - any opinions and information much appreciated!

selenicereus.jpg (61.43 KiB) Viewed 1934 times
Queen of the Night.jpg
Queen of the Night.jpg (94.62 KiB) Viewed 1934 times
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