Black depressions and leaf drop on jade plant - HELP

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Black depressions and leaf drop on jade plant - HELP

Post by cactusmactus »

Hey, everyone!

I've been had this jade plant for about 3 years and never had any issues with it. It has been on the same north west facing window sill in Philadelphia for most of that time and been very happy. I only water it when the soil is dry (maybe once a week in the summer) and the soil doesn't stay wet for long. The pot is terra cotta and drains very well. I repotted the plant about five months ago and the it really seemed to enjoy that - it has grown a lot this spring/summer. In fact, it still is growing a lot.

However, in the last three or four weeks, I've noticed that some of the leaves seem a little softer than usual and then develop these brown/black depressions (pictured). Eventually, the leaves turn yellow (pictured) and then drop off. Only about 20% of the leaves are affected. The rest of the plant seems healthy.

I am at a loss about what the problem could be. I have moved the plant out of the direct sun for now and am going to water less frequently but I'm not even sure that will help.

Does this look like a fungus or disease to anyone? I haven't been able to find anything similar here or in other forums.

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Re: Black depressions and leaf drop on jade plant - HELP

Post by Msannic »

I had something similar happen to my just-bought Silver dollar jade. Didn’t get any answers before it died completely. I hope you do!
Las Vegas, NV - zone 9A
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Re: Black depressions and leaf drop on jade plant - HELP

Post by cactusmactus »

In case anyone has the same problem, I wanted to provide an update:

After moving the plant out of full sunlight to a place that receives indirect sunlight for most of the day, I've noticed that no new spots have shown up. Additionally, I started watering the plant more frequently as I noticed that the decreased watering schedule I had been trying out was probably what had been causing it to become soft in the first place (I don't think that the spots were due to a watering problem, though). Lastly, I removed the leaves that were severely damaged but left the ones that still looked healthy.

Obviously the brown spots are here to stay but after making these adjustments I can say that after a month the plant seems healthier and stronger and at the very least it has not gotten any worse. Still unsure what caused this in the first place but one thought is that maybe when I repotted it in the spring the new soil contained some sort of fertilizer that burned/damaged the leaves. Just a guess at this point...
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