Ahoy from Arizona

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Ahoy from Arizona

Post by autodikaktos »

Hey there, y'all

It didn't seem like this was a requirement, but being new to these parts I figured it'd be polite to introduce one's self before potentially going hog-wild in the forums. Over the years I've had multiple internet searches end up taking me to this forum, and spent quite some time utilizing the photographic database for cactus species. I'm quite grateful for this web community being here and have finally bit the bullet and decided to register up and maybe, hopefully, have something to contribute that benefits the community.

Or at the very least, share longwinded and detailed shaggy-dog stories of the most vain and fruitless pursuit of man, attempting to successfully ID subspecies of Echinocereus. I'm invited to many parties, obviously.

I've grown partial to several genus from South America over time, although still respecting the home-town heroes from nearby.

Of particular interest are:
Eriosyce (in all its taxonomic confusion)

Outside of cactus:

I have erm, *many* plants, a little more than half from Cactaceae. The majority are young, under 10 years of age, many not even out of their swaddling pots. Elsewhere this might be considered a sign of a greater problem. But here, I am confident, it is a modest collection. It is good to be among friends.

They all live with me in a cabin in the brushy part of the state of Arizona. Which creates what I'd like to think of as a unique dry-cool-ish winter greenhouse. By late spring almost everyone is outside, and rather on their own until the end of the monsoon season. I figure it is a good life for them. I provide what I can.

And I'll share the first bloom of the year at my place courtesy of Copiapoa esmeraldana.
copi.jpeg (106.1 KiB) Viewed 3004 times
Happy New Years! (in my neck of the woods anyways)
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Re: Ahoy from Arizona

Post by hegar »

Welcome to the CactiGuide cactus and succulent forum. You are one of the lucky ones, who can grow cacti both in the ground outdoors and in pots.
Has "cactus mania" already taken full possession of you? :)
I do have almost all my plants in both the front and back yards. Because we do expect a low of around 24 degrees F both tonight and tomorrow night, I did cover the least cold hardy ones up with a plastic weed barrier tarp this afternoon. I hope, that the winter will be mild and I will not have to do this many more times before spring arrives.

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Re: Ahoy from Arizona

Post by autodikaktos »

Thank you,

Yes, I may have the mania. Of course it started small, and a lot of the first ones were free, but somewhere along the way it developed into a habit. About a year ago I donated the spare mattress to a friend's family. Now that room is full of spiny things. I try to maintain, to just visit the botanical gardens... but there is always a nursery on the way home.

I feel for you, with my work schedule I have to take my pots outside before the temperatures are ideal for a lot of them. Many a brisk evening dancing around and trying to drape everybody with cloth. Our winter has been a cooler average, but the lows haven't been particularly low until the past few days. I'll cross my fingers for you on that mild winter, that is indeed a hassle.
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Re: Ahoy from Arizona

Post by ElieEstephane »

Glad to have another cactoholic among us. Welcome to the forum!
There are more cacti in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Ahoy from Arizona

Post by gemhunter178 »

I consistently get freezing temperatures where I live, so, most my cacti are indoors (minus some outdoor Opuntiads)
So, I envy your climate!
Anyways, welcome to the forum!
A cactus and succulent collector who especially likes Ariocarpus. …Though I have a bit of everything! Want some pictures? See my flickr! I also do art and such.
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Re: Ahoy from Arizona

Post by Carpkel »

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