Cactus Dirt or Sand?

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Cactus Dirt or Sand?

Post by Kitsande »

I'm new to propagating my succulents and a big part of my first cuttings died. In preparation for attempt #2, should I try a small tray of sand or stick with the small tray of cactus/succulent dirt?

I waited till they callused over, then put them in tray with cactus/succulent dirt and misted them when the soil was dry. They got a few hours of morning sun and then in light shade the rest of the day.

Any advice? Would sand help roots ... well... root better? Maybe less water? More water?
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Re: Cactus Dirt or Sand?

Post by ElieEstephane »

Commercial cactus soil is generally terrible. You need to add lots of grit/perlite/pumice/clay particles/kitty litter... whatever floats your boat.
Now what kind of sand are you talking about? Is that fine sand or sharp sand?
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Re: Cactus Dirt or Sand?

Post by keith »

Put sand on top of the dirt ( soil) maybe 12cm or 1/2 inch sand and put the cuttings on top of the sand or even down halfway in the sand. The roots will grow through the sand into the soil. Add sand to the soil if its store bought. Course sand. Or pumice or gravel or that special cat litter which I have zero experience with but seems to work.

Your cuttings probably rotted being directly on the "dirt" which is mostly fine pieces of wood dyed brown, or maybe its peat moss or some special combo ? Whatever it is it floats in water. Not Dirt because dirt would sink in water. I'll mix that store bought soil " supersoil" its called here with my sandy soil and pumice mix for some cactus and succulents. Maybe 1/3 by volume. Depends on the cuttings.
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Re: Cactus Dirt or Sand?

Post by esp_imaging »

Why did they die? Rotting? Shrivelling up before they grew roots?
If rotting, they needed to be drier (and possibly allowed longer to heal before planting).
If they dried up, they needed to be cooler / shadier and possibly damper or more humid. Or perhaps just larger cuttings?
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Re: Cactus Dirt or Sand?

Post by Kitsande »

ElieEstephane wrote: Wed Mar 28, 2018 9:25 am Now what kind of sand are you talking about? Is that fine sand or sharp sand?
Well that's the thing, I'm not using any sand, but I'd love to know what people have had success with. I've only been using the succulent/cacti soil.
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Re: Cactus Dirt or Sand?

Post by Kitsande »

esp_imaging wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:54 pm Why did they die? Rotting? Shrivelling up before they grew roots?
If rotting, they needed to be drier (and possibly allowed longer to heal before planting).
If they dried up, they needed to be cooler / shadier and possibly damper or more humid. Or perhaps just larger cuttings?
They shriveled! I'll change the place I've been putting them. Maybe the morning sun is a bit much and they'll do better in more shade.

I think some of them might have rotted too (turned a bit black/brown) because I was knee jerk watering them more like 3-4 times a week in the beginning, and then research said that wasn't great.

I'm trying again with the cuttings in a new shady area, sifted all the big pieces of wood out of the soil, and not watering like I'm watering a petunia.

Any advice on additions to soil and I'll switch it out
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Re: Cactus Dirt or Sand?

Post by 7george »

I use zeolite or vermiculite with success. Sands dry up quick, real soil keeps moisture for long time. Some plants will root in any conditions but I prefer warm and shady spots. Give you cuttings lot of time, some weeks or months. Spraying would depend on your air humidity, maybe several times a week at the surface. If we new your climate and plants you propagate the advices might be better.
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