HI! I just signed on

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Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:53 pm
Location: Canyon, Texas

HI! I just signed on

Post by kari »

Hi there! I just joined the Forum a week or so ago and, well, I notice no one has really done this, but I have a bit of an ego....

I contacted Daiv a while back and let him know about my website. It is primarily devoted to the scorpions of the USA but I added a page about the cacti of Texas. Since then we have kept in good correspondence and I have sent him photos of our Texas cacti, mainly in the panhandle, for use in the CactiGuide or as he sees fit. Still working on some of those!

My main cactus interests are the species of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, though I have resources for the whole USA. The non-USA species, well, I am pretty much clueless! I am also interested in agaves.

I hope to be traveling to San Luis Potosi this summer (2005) and will try to get pics of what I see there. It is a big scorpion-hunting adventure!

Anyhoot, my Texas cacti web page is

If that doesn't work, try the home page below.

Cheers! And thanks Daiv for a great service!

Anyway, just ghout I'd say HEY!
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Joined: Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:39 am
Location: Kansas City, Kansas--USA

Post by ihc6480 »

In case I haven't said it before-- Welcome to the board.
As a boy in Arizona I got hit twice in the neck by a scorpion when I laid down in my bed. The little sucker was under the edge of my pillow :shock: .
After a stay in the hospital I was fine but I'm still a little leary of them.
I do enjoy a good snake hunt though. Rattlesnakes are really quite tasty especially when freshly caught :wink:

I would be interested in seeing pics of Texan cacti especially prickly pear.
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