
Trouble shoot problems you are having with your cactus.
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Post by Mike »

I have some cacti and other plants that seem to draw spiders all the time, along with their webs. I generally don't mind the webs since they help control other insects, but didn't know if they had a good, bad of indifferent effect on plants. Any experience?

Another question is whether spider mites, which I know are bad, have any relationship to spiders other than sharing the name.

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Post by daiv »

Actual Spiders should be no touble at all and I get a lot of them on my cacti too. I think they especially like cacti because they are all stem and no leaves. On top of that they have lots of handy attacment points for a spider to connect his web. No spiders harm cacti in any way at all.

Spider mites on the other hand are not spiders at all, but I belive they are arachnids (Would be nice to have Kari for that one too!) Anyway, they are bad news. http://www.cactus-mall.com has some pages of advice on how to get rid of the buggers.

As far as a connection between the two; I've never seen nor heard anything linking them beyond the name "spider".
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Post by ondy »

Yeah I agree with Daiv. No harm no problem. Beside the ones I get on mine are not usually big ones at all so they don't bug me. I don't usally like spiders and I have a bit of an arachniphobia, but I leave the little ones alone on my cacti. In my head I think they keep insects away, though I'm not really sure if that's true. As far as spider mites I don't knwo much about them, I've been lucky not to have any problems there.

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Post by templegatejohn »

Hi everybody,

Yes spiders are the good guys, they say in some of the books that they will even eat mealy bugs. I don't know whether this is true as I have never had any mealy bug :oops:
Daiv is quite right in saying that the mites usually called red spider mite are not spiders and are very harmful to cacti. You will always get them in a very dry atmosphere. They do not like moisture of any kind so a good spray with clean water now and again helps to keep them at bay.

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