1st attempt at grafting

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1st attempt at grafting

Post by SnowFella »

Well, never tried this before but figured it was about time to bite the bullet and do a few "emergency" grafts. Just can't seem to keep Sulco's alive on own roots for some reason, lost a large clump earlier on in the season, and as I noticed this small one starting to head for the great desert in the sky I figured what the heck.

Unfortunately none of my stock is rooted, cut today from the mother plants, so anything can still happen. Likely being a very first attempt I'll have 0 sucess rate but it's worth a shot. Used 4 different stocks, 2 species of Hylocereus, one Selenicereus and for the biggest head M.geometrizans. The M. geo graft I did somewhat different though, as it's unrooted and just cut I wrapped it in clingwrap similar to the O. fragilis grafting I've seen video's of.


Having second thoughts about the M. geometrizans graft though, thinking that the bottom won't dry while wrapped in clingwrap and instead rot from the humidity so I'll likely redo that one to somehow cover the tip with clingwrap but still leave the base open for drying.
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Re: 1st attempt at grafting

Post by promethean_spark »

Leave it for a week undisturbed, it'll be fine. 1/2 of grafting is not fussing with them, cut and join quickly and decisively.
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Re: 1st attempt at grafting

Post by paulzie32 »

When Using Clingwrap, I usually hook it to the spines instead of clipping under the pot (or stock in your case). That way, there is still some space between ribs for air to get under. It just provides pressure to hold scion down.
Those Blue pots look like they'd be easy to hook rubberbands on to. The slots on the bottom wold work great to hold the bands.
If you're not going to use bands, then find something about the same height as the top of the Scion when on the stock and place a chopstick, tongue depressor or popsicle stick between both to hold it down. If not heavy enough, then a few coins on top would work.
I've also seen someone on here and another group that used Fishing weights tied to the corners of a cloth or ends of bands and draped over the scion. Anything that holds it down long enough for it to grow together.
I'm sure you'll get a few to take.
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