Flona 2023

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Wiandry Adi
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Flona 2023

Post by Wiandry Adi »

After I missed the previous event entirely in 2022, I finally attended Flona this year. The event isn't limited to just cacti and succulents, but also all kinds of plants - be it houseplants, hydroponic plants, fruits and vegetables, etc. Flona 2023 was held in Lapangan Banteng Park, Jakarta, Indonesia, which has hosted previous Flona events for years. It's free of charge, so you can enter anytime without concerning for tickets and/or waiting lines.

While there are a lot of vendors in Flona 2023 attracting anyone who walked through the venues, I only attended few of them, which I learnt lots of things regarding fertilizing plants, in particular cacti and succulents, since it is one of the most challenging part for my gardening experience.

My apologies I didn't get to acquire any contacts or social media accounts for the vendors I've attended and talked with, though I took lots of photos which I think I could share with all of you here on the Attachments.

I'd like to give some of the highlights:
  • One of the vendors brought one of the most eye-catching plants I've ever seen: cycads with astonishingly monstrose caudex/rhizome. The vendor stated he takes care of those cycads like how we'd take care of our cacti, except he doesn't use any greenhouses. If they got too much sun, so be it; if they got too much rain, so be it. It's quite jaw-opening some plant owners really go this far yet their plants still prevail. Though due to this, he's mostly specializing in cycads with a few other caudiciforms: adeniums and several palms, as well as several aloes and snake plants/sansevierias. He's been doing this for years and he stated him opening a venue here is one of the means to share his collections to those who draw interests to plants like his.
  • Another vendor showcased the one of the most sought-after plants in my plant community: Tillandsia xerographica,the king of tillandsias. Their silvery leaves struck me with wonder, awe, and curiosity, knowing a plant this beautiful exists and I saw it in person. Also the fact it barely requires special care - just plain water per few days, barely any if no fertilizers - makes it a plant worth my appreciation (though I may be wrong about this tillandsia's care).
  • The last one specializes in sansevierias, with fancy hybrids and pure varieties galore. I'm not a fan of variegated plants, but this vendor showcased lots of variegated snake plants and I later found out this vendor used to own non-variegated plants, pure or hybrid, which eventually shifted to variegated plants because it seems variegation gave more challenges on taking care of them. Well, again, we may share the same cause, but certainly our paths are different.
  • If you're in Indonesia, you can visit this event up until October 16, 2023.
My verdict:
  • Too bad only few of them sale any cacti I was looking for. There were some vendors who sold Astrophytum and Stenocactus - one of them even sold Ferocactus glauescens, crested Cereus/Monvillea spegazzinni, and several Uebelmannia pectinifera - but Lophophora, Ariocarpus, and Gymnocalycium that is not G. mihanovichii were absent.
  • The venues were okay, some - esp. the tillandsias' vendor - were amazing, but most of them could be more improved. There's this one cactus vendor that was really, really narrow I had to take lines to get in, see the collections, take and purchase them, and leave. I really had to be extra careful because it was so narrow I could accidentally bump into one of them, toppling them and potentially destroy them.
  • Crowd management can be more organized. I don't know if other countries have the same problem, but I'm sure there should be paths for anyone entering and leaving the event.
  • Its marketing could be improved. Last year, I barely knew anything about it until I saw one of the plant content creator on YouTube uploaded his vlog in Flona 2022. This year suffered the same case but thankfully, I was more vigilant.

Plants that came with me:

Three plants! I wasn't planning to shop but the prices were just too tempting. I bought this old-man cactus, an Espostoa of unknown species, this crested Monvillea/Cereus spegazzinni, and this clustering Tephrocactus articulatus var. papyracanthus. They were all in good shape when arriving home, except the Tephrocactus which had one of its segment popped off (which is to be expected).

While the cacti were on a good shape, hopefully, they came in with the most unacceptable soil mix:


Too. Much. Organic. Contents! =D>

I knew this was to happen - this mix was covered by a layer of scoria, which didn't raise a red flag to me when I purchased them - so I immediately pop all of them off their pots, rinsed their roots - and plucked some of the rotten roots - and air-dry them for about three days before I planted them into a more appropriate mix, hopefully.

That, using that terrifying soil mix, has become a common routine in Indonesian cacti vendors. They say it holds more water - of course - so they don't have to water them often. Also, they are cheap and easy to find, purchase, and carry around. Fortunately, now there are growing numbers of vendors who cared enough and slowly shifted to more porous, less nutrient-rich mix.

Now it's been weeks the cacti are in my garden and they still look good.
So far the only photogenic cacti in the event
So far the only photogenic cacti in the event
04.jpg (118 KiB) Viewed 18599 times
Uebelmannia: turns out they're expensive!
Uebelmannia: turns out they're expensive!
02.jpg (100.25 KiB) Viewed 18599 times
Sansevieria 'Boncel' (Platinum/Silver?), been on my wishlist for years
Sansevieria 'Boncel' (Platinum/Silver?), been on my wishlist for years
06.jpg (94.79 KiB) Viewed 18599 times
Sansevieria eilensis; ridiculously too slow-growing
Sansevieria eilensis; ridiculously too slow-growing
03.jpg (80.04 KiB) Viewed 18599 times
Cycas caudex
Cycas caudex
05.jpg (101.35 KiB) Viewed 18599 times
01.jpg (85.52 KiB) Viewed 18599 times
Another tillandsia
Another tillandsia
07.jpg (114.24 KiB) Viewed 18599 times
Tropical region, summer all year long
12 hours of sunlight (shaded by 1 p.m.)
Rains often from September to February
24°C at night, 32°-34°C at evening
Mix: scoria, pumice, zeolite, bamboo humus, and kanuma
Fertilizing may vary
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Re: Flona 2023

Post by Aiko »

I do like the two Sansevierias.
I came home with a greener version of Sansevieria 'Boncel' (I don't know the name it came with from memory now) when I visited the ELK (a big succulent fair in Europe) a few weeks ago. I now have four Sansevierias, of which three in my greenhouse and one stays outside through summer (it is about time to bring it in now as autumn is fully underway...).
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Wiandry Adi
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Re: Flona 2023

Post by Wiandry Adi »

Aiko wrote: Thu Sep 28, 2023 7:52 am I do like the two Sansevierias.
I came home with a greener version of Sansevieria 'Boncel' (I don't know the name it came with from memory now) when I visited the ELK (a big succulent fair in Europe) a few weeks ago. I now have four Sansevierias, of which three in my greenhouse and one stays outside through summer (it is about time to bring it in now as autumn is fully underway...).
Nice! 'Boncel' is one of my favorite cultivar; they're just the cutest sansevieria there is! Also, 'Boncel' is how we Indonesians described something bite-sized or in small size/proportion (one of my cousins is nicknamed 'Boncel' and fittingly, he got himself a 'Boncel' too :lol: )
Tropical region, summer all year long
12 hours of sunlight (shaded by 1 p.m.)
Rains often from September to February
24°C at night, 32°-34°C at evening
Mix: scoria, pumice, zeolite, bamboo humus, and kanuma
Fertilizing may vary
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Re: Flona 2023

Post by Aiko »

I just looked it up. Mine is called Sansevieria boncellensis. But I suspect there is not true species called S. boncellensis and it is some hybrid anyway?
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Wiandry Adi
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Re: Flona 2023

Post by Wiandry Adi »

Aiko wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:07 pm I just looked it up. Mine is called Sansevieria boncellensis. But I suspect there is not true species called S. boncellensis and it is some hybrid anyway?
I think I have to give some clarification here (no worries, nothing bad; it's just about the name):

'Boncel' is not a name for a place hinted by -ensis names, like japonensis, eilensis, or menadoensis; no place in the world is named 'Boncel' if I remember correctly. This might be some misnomer; I suspect some collectors think 'Boncel' is a name of a place and decided to add 'boncellensis' as its name. It's not a valid name though (I've read sources on sansevierias and no mention of 'boncellensis' exists).

To reinforce this, again, the word 'Boncel' in Indonesia is used to described something/someone small, minuscule, or bite-sized. It is kind of having the same nuance as the Japanese word 'kawaii' or 'ko-domo'.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, 'Boncel' is one of the cultivars of Sansevieria cyllindrica or another snake plants with similar build/form.
Tropical region, summer all year long
12 hours of sunlight (shaded by 1 p.m.)
Rains often from September to February
24°C at night, 32°-34°C at evening
Mix: scoria, pumice, zeolite, bamboo humus, and kanuma
Fertilizing may vary
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Re: Flona 2023

Post by Aiko »

Thanks for some clarification. So I guess I have a Sansevieria 'Boncel' then.
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Wiandry Adi
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Re: Flona 2023

Post by Wiandry Adi »

Aiko wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:50 pm Thanks for some clarification. So I guess I have a Sansevieria 'Boncel' then.
Yup. I hope it stays prosperous and well within your care :D
Tropical region, summer all year long
12 hours of sunlight (shaded by 1 p.m.)
Rains often from September to February
24°C at night, 32°-34°C at evening
Mix: scoria, pumice, zeolite, bamboo humus, and kanuma
Fertilizing may vary
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