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(jan 2008) Echinopsis ancistrophora ssp.Arachnacantha

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:39 pm
by hob
Echinopsis ancistrophora ssp. Arachnacantha (Buining & Ritter)


Growth Habits: Small heavily clumping plant with bronze or green stems each head is up to 1.5 inches (4 cm)

Scientific name; Echinopsis ancistrophora ssp. Arachnacantha

Common names: None that come to mind.

Synonym: Lobivia arachnacantha, Echinopsis arachnacantha, Pseudolobivia arachnacantha

Etymology: From the Greek echinos sea urchin opsis appearance
The species name "arachnacantha" comes from the Greek arachn- spider, spiderweb acantha A sharp spiny part or structure. Referring to the spider-like spines.

Origin: Bolivia

Light: Full sun to light shade.

Compost. A free draining standard cactus mix.

Water: Regular water in spring to autumn.

Flower: The normal flower colour is yellow but red and also white flowers occur in cultivation.

Min temp: Hardy to 25°F (-4°C), for short periods.

Cultivation: Easy to grow and remains quite a small plant.

Habitat. Stony, grass and scrub covered eastern and central valleys and slopes, in places with irregular and low rainfall.

Comments: A good plant for beginners as it is not very demanding and takes up little room. If allowed to go below 45°F (7°C) in winter and kept dry it should flower in spring to early summer.

red flowered form