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Is this a Pachyphytum?

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 6:30 am
by Everett78
Hello everyone
I' ve had this plant for years and I'd like to get a proper name for it.It seems to not like very dry air .The leaves took on the scorched appearance over winter in the greenhouse near a heater .I have a batch of rooted cuttings doing fine though.Could it be a Pachyveria maybe or is it a true Pachyphytum? I don't know if the flowers help with an id.Longest leaves are about 4 cm long.
Help appreciated. Everett

Re: Is this a Pachyphytum?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 11:16 pm
by jerrytheplater
Did you forget to include the photo?

Edit: I just saw your next post about the file size. Try using I use this site to reduce the file size on my photos for posting here. Works great.