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Do Saguaro seedlings go dormant in winter?

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:41 pm
by briandaniel429
I'm a new cacti grower. My saguaro seedlings are coming along nicely and are about 6 months old. Do I need to let them go dormant in the winter months? Or do anything different since the are so young? Thank you for any help.

Re: Do Saguaro seedlings go dormant in winter?

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:02 pm
by 7george
If you can provide optimal growing conditions (heat, light, moisture) indoors do it, seedlings will continue progressing. All seedlings would skip 1st year dormancy if conditions are favourable and allow them to reach bigger size. Not sure where are you live to give you a meaningful advice but even here in Alberta it's not yet real winter but a nice mild autumn or "Indian summer" so far.