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Epostoa senilis?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:57 am
by Mrs.Green
I have had this cactus for about 15 years. I got it from someone who got tired of it. I have to admit it haven’t got the best care, it stood in the same pot for years but have grown a fair bit nevertheless. I was originally three stems but one of them died off a few years back. This year I decided to repot it and it was pretty rootbound. I was thinking of seperating the two,but I didn’t dare doing it, since they seemed to have the same root,if that make sence. It is about 70 cm.high.

Last year I noticed something that could look like buds of one of the stems but they seemed to dry up and never developed. This year the tallest of them have developed several buds(?) and off course I would love to see flowers, if it really is buds. But if so, they really develops slowly.

Since I am afraid of loosing the cactus, I may be to sparingly with the water and that may possibly effect the buds negatively? It’s in my livingroomwindow and it gets full sun several hours each day ( when its sunny).

The pictures are off bad quality, I know that but the cactus is big and heavy and leaning aginst the window, so I am a bit reluctant to take it out for a photoshoot.