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Ariocarpus Bravoanus - When to water in So. Cal

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:53 am
by DuarteDave
I have a very healthy, smaller specimen, which I have in a filtered sunlight area in my backyard. Seems to like the location and so far is thriving.
My question is about watering. I know they don't require much, and have heard a couple different theories. One is only in October when they supposedly flower and very little at that. Its planted in a well draining limestone substrate.
Temps here btw, can get up to 105 in the summer to freezing in winter.


Re: Ariocarpus Bravoanus - When to water in So. Cal

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:52 am
by greenknight
It needs regular watering in summer, none in winter. The flats where those grow can can turn muddy from summer storms, they can take quite a bit of water then, but they're rot-prone in cooler seasons. Rather than watering only in October, you should be reducing its water then.