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Hello from Germany!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 1:34 pm
by Lea
Hi everyone! I have just joined your very friendly and informative community and would like to introduce myself, even though I am probably not very good at it.
My name is Lea, 30 years old in a few weeks and have found out about my succulent addiction half a year ago when I learned that my boyfriend propagates his unusually colored Crassula Ovata from leafes. That fact was so fascinating for me that I have started to read about succulents and have not stopped doing so until now.
Anyways, I still have no idea how his jade variety is called. It definetly is an Ovata, its leafes are blue-ish and the underside is purple/red. If a leaf gets propagated, the new plant takes over even slightly different colorations. Anyways, I have wanted to introduce myself, right?
Well, as you can read, I am easily distracted, a bit on the unorganized side and like to forget stuff. I guess this makes me a happy, slightly annoying ADHD person (diagnozed) who laughs about purposefully stupid stuff and like to be stupid on purpose herself. Take that as you want, I am easy going and not easy to go mad.
I do, however, have the illusion that my english is decent, but I am aware that I am probably still making a lot of language mistakes. I would highly appreciate it if you could correct me, if you feel like doing so.
Anyways, I have decided to join you to learn as much as I can from more experienced people and kind of share my happiness about stuff like 'OMG I can see an echeveria baby through my magnifying glass!' (actually, there are 3 right now, but I hope to get some more)
Uhm ... yeah, what did I forget to mention?
No idea if you would like to know what plants I have, but just in case I'm posting a list for you :)
- 2 Aloes (still need IDs)
- Baby Cereus peruvianus monstrosa
- string of pearls
- sempervivum, tiny and red and a bit unhappy right now because it had to be inside a few weeks
- sedum alba
- some unknown native succulents (I guess sedum) in the new garden
- burros tail
- a lot of crassula Ovata babies, mostly the unknown variety, but gollum and ogre ears aswell if I have identified them correctly
- Echeveria Perle von Nürnberg
- proplifted leafes. It is the waiting game.
- some flaming katys that I have saved
Not succulent, but I also have 2 Marigolds, a Lima bean, a pinto bean, 2 baby apple trees, 40-ish coleus seedlings, 3 tillandsias and some other stuff lol

Re: Hello from Germany!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:24 am
by gemhunter178
Welcome! No worries on your English, it looks fine to me!

Re: Hello from Germany!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 4:41 am
by hegar
I too welcome you to the CactiGuide forum. I am certain, that you will get along just fine, not only with your command of the English language, but also with the overall, mostly friendly people of this group.


Re: Hello from Germany!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 6:15 am
by Lea
Thank you for the warm welcome you two! :)

Re: Hello from Germany!

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:44 am
by leafeon27
Hello there, I'm a new member here as well.

Re: Hello from Germany!

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:55 pm
by briancarpenter
:D I wonder if there's a Pinto Bean forum around ?? hmmmm....... :)