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Euphorbia enopla Cutting

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:18 pm
by CactusJack
I was just wondering whether anyone feels this plant is large enough to make a cutting from? I've never done so before (so any advice is very much welcome), but it's grown a lot this summer, and I was interested in increasing my collection. Thanks in advance :)
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Re: Euphorbia enopla Cutting

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:44 pm
by Brunãozinho
If you want to have a second clone of that plant you can cut it, yes. You should follow the usual recommendations before replanting it, like letting the cut dry and calous properly, wich should take around two weeks, more or less, it can depend on the plant, on how bit the cutting is, and on the weather conditions. Also you should wait for it to estabilish decent roots before watering normally, as you do with the original plant.