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Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:54 am
by Hanazono
The rooting process has taken place by using degrafted A. retusus and related cultivars.
All scions were grafted on Pereskiopsis stocks and short stock were remained when they were degrafted.
Degrafted in 2012: 22 scions
Degrafted in 2013: 56 scions
All scions were grafted around 1 month old and degrfted when they were 2 years old.
Some of scions degrafted in 2012 pushed pot out and so I repotted in this afternoon.
I also inspected roots during the repotting.
Before repoting, the scion is A. retusu v furfuraceus cv Suguri-cauliflower.
Appearance of roots
I could not see any roots from the scion. All roots came for the short stock.
It seems 18 months of rooting process is not long enough to develop roots from the scion.
I have to wait some more years.
Repotted scion in one-up size pot, 12 cm square
Rooting medium for the scion is scoria.

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:05 pm
by ali
Good Job!
That is absolutely wonderful.

I wish I had that success with Pereskiopsis degrafting.

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:43 pm
by Awdre
Nicely done! They look very good! I did 3 grafts of ariocarpus 3 years ago. They grown fast but they became a bit etoliated in the winter season. I kept them in the windowsill inside year around. How did you treat them in the winter season to get them that well grown(temperature, watering )?


Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:43 pm
by Hanazono
Actually I have experienced same rooting process using kotschoubeyanus-Pereskiopsis.
I have confirmed the pereskiopsis stock died in 2~3 years and developed roots from the scion.
I assume this retusu rooting process will have a similar result.

Winter in here is calm, no snow and no ice.
The minimum temperature in the morning in mid winter is around 5 C'.
The temperature in greenhouse can reach to 30 C' in daytime.
Although I reduce the frequency of watering in winter, I continue to water through a year for all grafted cactus including Pereskiopsis stocks.

Pereskiopsis stocks loose leaves in 2nd winter.
The growing speeds of scions reduce dramatically when stocks lost leaves and so I degraft them in 3rd spring, 2 years old.

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:08 am
by Hanazono
Autumn has been in here.
One of degrafted retusu v furfuraceus was in flower.

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:44 pm
by orion
=D> =D>

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:52 pm
by Tony
So technically, your not degrafting them, just shortening the stock, rerooting that short stem and then the scions degraft themselves by growing roots after the peresk stock dies?

I recently had a shortened peresk stock die, rot and take the A. agavoides scion out with it. Do you ever have this happen?

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:05 pm
by Hanazono

You are correct. It is not degrafting technically.
The grafting will continue until the death of the short Pereskiopsis stock.

Yes I do. I have a similar experience with A. kotschoubeyanus.

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:14 am
by Hanazono
Updated photos

They have grown well and 48 scions have been into 12 cm square pots.
Although it is still alive Pereskiopsis stocks, own-roots have been developed on some of scions.

This one is the same scion as posted on Mar 07, 2014.

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:45 pm
by Hanazono
Other rooting trial species

Geohintonia mexicana

Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus f Rio Verde

Obregonia denegrii

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:12 am
by george76904
Whoo! Very nice, I love the Obregonia Dengrii! Approximately how long are the pereskiopsis stocks that you use for grafting?

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:17 am
by HP22B
How long do your Pereskiopsis stocks typically last? I'm having trouble with many of mine having their leaves turn yellow/red at the edge and eventually fall off. I don't know if it's a water or nutrient issue but it's quite annoying.

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:24 am
by george76904
HP22B wrote:How long do your Pereskiopsis stocks typically last? I'm having trouble with many of mine having their leaves turn yellow/red at the edge and eventually fall off. I don't know if it's a water or nutrient issue but it's quite annoying.
I know I'm not the person to whom the question was addressed, but sounds like too little water if you ask me. I find that if they don't get enough water or go too long without the lower leaves fall off.

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:47 am
by Hanazono
I degraft scions in spring when they are 2 years old.
I use very fresh off-shoots of Pereskiopsis as grafting stocks.
Pereskiopsis stocks loose leaves in 2nd winter after turned yellow/red color in here.
Since you can not expect a good growing when stocks lost leaves, I degraft them in following spring.
I stop watering in July, mid of winter.
This must be the reason 2 year old stocks to loose leaves but it is not for 1 year old stocks.

I was away from home for 3 weeks last December, mid of summer in here.
2 years old stocks lost leaves but 1 year old did not.
I believe the reason of loosing leave is lack of water but very young one can tolerate against to the drought.

Re: Degrafting / Rooting

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:49 pm
by Aiko
george76904 wrote:I know I'm not the person to whom the question was addressed, but sounds like too little water if you ask me. I find that if they don't get enough water or go too long without the lower leaves fall off.
Basically every succulent with leaves need to get a good and regular splash of water, in general more and often than any non-leavy succulent.