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First-time ? on Rooting Cuttings

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:06 am
by Kent
I have several 12 inch cuttings of stetsoni branch tips, with cut ends sun-dried and in well drained soil, side by side in separate pots. I've watered once a week for 3 weeks. Some cuttings appear fine, no change, while some have developed a darker green color an inch or 2 on their tips, which also may have shrunk a bit in diameter. Are these just drying out as the cutting roots, or what? Any advice would be appreciated! Kent

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:35 am
by Bill in SC
Welcome Kent! Just speculating, I assume that you have these in filtered light, and not directly in the sun to root. When I put a cutting in to root, (in filtered light) I just mist the cutting for three or four weeks before I water it. If you are watering the cuttings before they form roots, they may rot. But apparently not in your case, because if it was rot, it would be at the base rather than the tips. Hard to say, but a pic would surely help.. Lotsa folks here who can most assuredly help...
Bill in SC :D

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:53 am
by iann
I would suspect the darker green tips to be new growth.