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Re: Mug Shots -Wonder who you're talking to?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:51 am
by nachtkrabb
Hey Bennie,
great you got the nicest cacti on earth. I am glad I got none as I have really no space at all -- we're crowded here. And when I get some, they usually are of the "boring" kind, standard Mammillaria etc., not what I would buy myself. As soon as I got a camera again I will post some pictures of the lot.

Re: Mug Shots -Wonder who you're talking to?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 4:22 am
by BennieAnTheJets
Hey nachtkrabb,

You got the Queen of all cacti, the Queen of the Night - I am in awe of you - you did so well with it and it blooms for you with all its heart!

And the Christmas display you posted here is pretty awesome, too! Is that your huernia? I love those, too, because they are "fleissig" (diligent, for our non-German speakers) and produce ample offspring and blooms. They are interesting looking, too, the plant and the blooms. I have at least two different varieties, but much smaller than yours.

And, yes, I love the plants I have - they make me very happy. Just bought some more tonight online - with the news about Iran, I so hope we do not have another war - sorry, no politics on the forum but this is just a feeling that affects my outlook - need to enjoy life while we have it and focus on the wonderful aspects (while doing what we can to affect peace and elect reasonable people). The plants keep me sane in sometimes crazy times.

The Tethrocactus geometricus are from dubenkaktus in the Czech republic (on ebay) - you can order them to Germany, too. :wink: They have international shipping papers you can buy from them when you order. That is why I got more than one cactus from them: the certificate costs the same for one or more cacti. You have to let your family and friends know what you wish for for Christmas so they can get you your favorite! These cacti are very small and may still fit in a window somewhere or in the stair case for winter rest? Maybe one can even live in another pot with another cactus, ha ha. They are small.

We should probably start another thread in the "General" forum with photos of our favorite plant family members. Would love to see them!


Re: Mug Shots -Wonder who you're talking to?

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:58 pm
by nachtkrabb
Hi Bennie, your thread is a nice idea: But would everybody understand? #-o

And politics beside: Unfortunately, it is a real fear. I do wish we will not have a war, too. We just had/have Xmas (for those who share it at its different dates) with its central message "...und Friede allen Menschen, die da guten Willens sind", i.e. "...and peace for all people of good will."
Let's hope for the best. :?:

Besides your Tethrocactus geometricus is simply lovely. I have some T. papyracanthus and they are a treat, too. But next time I have some space, I will look out for your variety.

Re: Mug Shots -Wonder who you're talking to?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:49 am
by BennieAnTheJets
Hi nachtkrabb,

Thank you for your PM. Will find time to respond soon. :happy3:

Let's see: we can start a new thread in the "Free for All" forum and see if folks want to share their "pet cactus and succulent" shots as well as their mug shots and pet pics. :D

This would be less formal than the "list of what you grow" that I think I have seen in another forum/thread. It would be just for fun to take a peak at each other's favorite plant family members and see some nice photos. I think I know which one of yours would be *my* favorite in your collection! :lol: The Queen! And you already posted great photos! But maybe you have other "close friends", too, that would be nice to get some prime time attention.

I'll start a thread.


PS: Steve set me straight - we already have a Forum for this, currently called "Member Topics"

Re: Mug Shots -Wonder who you're talking to?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 4:46 am
by Licespray
Hi all,
Can’t remember if I’ve posted here or not. This ones from last.. September I think and is the most recent pic I’ve got that has me in it. I’m typically the one taking the pics.


Re: Mug Shots -Wonder who you're talking to?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:20 pm
by Steve-0
Nice pics, all!

@Bennie...nice hat, nicer hair & digging that cool gorilla tee.

@Licespray Q: Dino bone? , Dino footprint?, or a new way I haven't discovered yet on how to dispose of bodies? JK!

Steve is the preferred moniker. Steve-o, Steve0, etc...helps me remember my forums name.

Very recent pics...hiking in the desert, trying to take a selfie, daughter's HS graduation pic ( cropped the others out ).

Re: Mug Shots -Wonder who you're talking to?

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:14 am
by WayneByerly
Deleted by member

Re: Mug Shots -Wonder who you're talking to?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:40 pm
by eduart
DSC04615 - cut2.jpg
DSC04615 - cut2.jpg (48.61 KiB) Viewed 29371 times

Re: Mug Shots -Wonder who you're talking to?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:32 am
by 558cbs1012
New to the forum, need to be more active on here. Cheers friends!