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Re: Old man of Andes rot

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:56 pm
by FredBW
Thanks for the advice Steve. It will probably be a while before i take it back apart. I figure on waiting until the bedroom it's in gets good and cool for a while so it will be as dormant as it's going to get. Probably late December or January.
I know it's hard to believe there are offsets of cactus this big. But I honestly think thats what these are. It couldn't possibly grow the roots down because that point was almost to the bottom of that DEEP pot! There were (and still are) spines buried several inches deep. I will clean all the old soil off as you say. But right now it has the soil caked around the bottom like the picture several frames above. With my gritty chicken grit/perlite soil above it almost to the level it was before. It IS going to be a challenge. :)