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Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:02 am
by king_hedes
Bill in SC wrote:My choice for the econo GH is the Harbor Freight. Their 6 X 8 is only $100 more than you spent. I have the 10 X 12 model. ... mber=47712

BB in SC
harbor freight is my favorite place to good stuff good prices and almost every thing i have got there has almost out lasted the name brand stuff thats 4 times the price

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:17 am
by Peterthecactusguy
minus the socket wrench thing that I got to take the axle spindle nut off. I fell on my butt cause it broke. Finally we got different socket set and well it went a lot better that time. I had to re-torque the spindle nuts to 300fps whatever it is for foot pounds of torque.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:28 am
by lancer99
Oops, I forgot that there was a "greenhouse" forum...sorry daiv.


Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:35 am
by lancer99
king_hedes wrote:
Bill in SC wrote:My choice for the econo GH is the Harbor Freight. Their 6 X 8 is only $100 more than you spent. I have the 10 X 12 model. ... mber=47712

BB in SC
harbor freight is my favorite place to good stuff good prices and almost every thing i have got there has almost out lasted the name brand stuff thats 4 times the price
I heard really bad things about the Harbor Freight greenhouses, namely that their panels just don't stay in place with even a small amount of wind. I've read lots of posts about how terrible their greenhouses are...


Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:13 am
by Peterthecactusguy
I was sorta trying to warn people about harbor freight without mentioning their greenhouses since I have never owned one. :?

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:15 pm
by daiv
lancer99 wrote:Oops, I forgot that there was a "greenhouse" forum...sorry daiv.
No problem. I didn't realize it until the Harbor Freight discussion. It mostly helps later on when searching for old posts.

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:56 pm
by lancer99
Today was the big day to put up the replacement greenhouse.

Unfortunately removing the old broken one was a complete nightmare. Part of the base was overgrown, and the mix of broken and not-broken support poles made it completely unpredictable as to which parts of the g/h were easy to remove, and mostly, weren't. Not to mention that the shelving had collapsed on part of it.



It was an exhausting couple of hours....far more effort than it took to put up the g/h in the first place!

In the end, I was happy to get rid of the g/h and redo the staging, which I know looks twonky but is in fact pretty sturdy, and give it a good pressure spray to clean everything. I'll go for putting up the new one tomorrow.


I did my best to get the g/h into my trash can. Some of the poles are still in there, and it wasn't easy. When the garbage men pull it out, they will be in for a surprise as it expands!


And if they're in a bad mood, as they are sometimes, I'll find the g/h left on my front lawn :)


Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:17 pm
by king_hedes
that looks like a bunch of work for you and the garbage man lol

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:37 pm
by Peterthecactusguy
if you have the type of trash trucks there that we have here, then the lazy bums can easily grab the trash can with the extender arms and pick it up and dump it out. If the stuff doesnt fall out and they dont still see it then they will dump it back on the ground with all the trash still in it, if they see it they shake the crap outta the can. I watched when I put about 400lbs of crap in mine and was astonished that they were able to pick it up without breaking the can. The sound of all the cement and crappy dirt hitting the truck and the drivers reaction were priceless!(Lets just say he was shocked when the cement nailed the bottom of his nearly empty(I am assuming)truck.)

That long windy story done I digress back to the green house...I did my outside shelf a little differently I used more block, but had tons of freebies so it didnt matter that much. Mine are sturdier then I thought they would be, so looks can be deceiving. Looks like it sucked picking the old one. How did it collapse? snow? wind?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:34 am
by lancer99
It's the same thing here, the garbage trucks have those mechanical arms that grab onto the cans and dump them.

Or not, in this case. Actually, I'm pretty sure they won't even try, and I'll find the garbage can sitting on the curb exactly as I left it.

Maybe I'll pin a $10 bill to the top and see what happens....:)


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:35 am
by Peterthecactusguy
hahaha bribing them works well.

One year we took down a room that was attached to our house that was called the Florida room and it had all those slats of glass on it for windows. It cost a fortune to cool and heat so we decided to get ride of it. I helped my dad take it down with a sledge hammer. To make a long story short when we needed to get rid of the glass no one wanted any so we put it all in the trash and my dad put a $20 in an envelope and put I sign on top of the can that said DANGER GLASS.. they took the 20 and dumped the can into the back of the truck, it was in the old days when the dudes rode on the back of the truck. Must have been nice working for a union on one of the dust carts of old!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:17 pm
by lancer99
Due to sloth and record highs (91 and 93), I put off assembling the new g/h for a couple of days. Yesterday we had a high of 60, but it was also was like something out of a bad slapstick comedy, me desperately trying to keep the half-assembled greenhouse from blowing into the trees or the neighbor's yard. But I won in the end :)



Today is "move in the cacti" day...I'll wait until it gets a bit warmer before moving in the rest of my plants.

I was glad to see the wild chives growing through the pea gravel again ...they're great in omelets :)


Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:57 pm
by daiv
Looks great! I predict that before a month has passed, you will be very happy with yourself for doing this due to your plant's growth and flowers.
which I know looks twonky but is in fact pretty sturdy
I'm still making a point to believe you on that! :P

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:17 pm
by Harriet
Mine looks "twonky" too, but it has held up well for the past few months.

I will be amazed if it makes it through a Florida summer with all the wind storms, but that remains to be seen. Fingers crossed for both of us!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:28 pm
by lancer99
daiv wrote:
which I know looks twonky but is in fact pretty sturdy
I'm still making a point to believe you on that! :P
daiv, I don't care if you believe me, as long as my plants do :)

Actually I tested the staging out by sitting in the middle of each board. Except for the one on the front right (which I'll fix), they barely budged. And given that I'm not exactly "petite" I think that's pretty good!
daiv wrote:Looks great! I predict that before a month has passed, you will be very happy with yourself for doing this due to your plant's growth and flowers.
Just like last year, I hope!

Harriet, I think I mentioned this before, but I've found this g/h to be very wind resistant. We had a couple of storms with 50 mph winds last summer, and it was unfazed....
