Please help my Christmas Cactus

Trouble shoot problems you are having with your cactus.
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Please help my Christmas Cactus

Post by SmellyCatTookABath »

Hi, I am new here but I came here because I my poor cactus needs your help. I call him CackCack. lol

I have had a Christmas Cactus for over a decade. It was doing pretty well until a family member knocked it off onto the floor (about a year ago). I re-potted it in some of the same soil/perlite and a little more of the same mixture that I was using. Amazingly, it is not dead (considering the trauma it went through) but it is not doing well either. It does not stand up anymore. It's all wilted in many places and it's just pitifully lifeless compared to before. It's a fairly small cactus compared to how big they can get. I was afraid to trim it but I decided today that it would be best for it to lose some weak pieces. I think less weight would help it. I was wondering if I could leave the pieces I trimmed in the soil or if that would be bad for it. I was hoping that maybe the broken off pieces would provide nutrients for it. The pieces don't look diseased, just wilted and some are losing color. I kinda propped the center stem up with a wedge of cactus pieces that I trimmed lol clearly I don't know what I'm doing. I'm very attached to this cactus. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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