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Cylindropuntia caribaea

Common Name(s):
Synonym(s): Opuntia caribaea, Opuntia metuenda, Cylindropuntia metuenda
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Subfamily: Opuntioideae
Distribution: Hispaniola (Haiti, Dominican Republic) - Greater Antilles (West Indies - Carribean)
Habit: Shrubby
Flower: YellowEncounterability: Rare
Original Description: The Cactaceae 1 p.49 - Britton & Rose (1920)
Stems 1 to 3 meters high, forming thickets in open woods and waste grounds; ultimate joints horizontal, 5 to 10cm long, much thicker than in O. leptocaulis, with short, elevated tubercles; areoles large, bearing white wool and a few long caducous hairs; spines 1 to 3, porrect, acicular, 2 to 3 cm long, covered with thin, brown papery sheaths; glochids dark brown; leaves small, 1 to 2 mm long, acute; flowers not known; fruit red, 1.3 to 2 cm long, usually naked but sometimes bearing short spines from the upper areoles, so far known always sterile.
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Cylindropuntia caribaea
C. caribaea
Picture taken at: Huntington Library and Gardens, San Marino, CA

Photographer: Daiv Freeman
Cylindropuntia caribaea
C. caribaea
Picture taken at: Huntington Library and Gardens, San Marino, CA

Photographer: Daiv Freeman
Cylindropuntia caribaea
C. caribaea
Picture taken at: Private Collection

Photographer: Joel Lode

Photographer's Website: Click Here

*Currently 42 of 42 known species are represented on

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