Spring prep for cactus and succulents ? Acclimating cacti?

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Spring prep for cactus and succulents ? Acclimating cacti?

Post by Carpkel »

I live near Cleveland, Ohio with a zone 6 growing zone. I grow my cacti and succulents outdoors in a greenhouse during the spring and summer and indoors under grow lights during the winter.

I fertilizer at a 1/4 strength tomato fertilizer once monthly until the last application for the season in August. About a month before I bring them inside, about early September, I will start tapering off to no water. In early October, I will bring them inside under grow lights and keep them dry. I start to lightly water them in March/ April, but during the growing season, I top water and drench the soil and let go dry before the next watering.

The last two seasons I have not had much luck with starting them off for the season. Last year I brought them out in the middle of April and had several days of frost. This season, I brought them out in the end of May and they are getting sunbunt. I recently put some scrap translucent greenhouse fabric (an old shelter logic greenhouse covering) to cover them.

My work schedule doesn't allow me to uncover the "shade fabric" multiple times in the day and I have too many cacti to move in or out multiple times

My questions are:

How do you prepare your cacti and succulents to bring them out into full sun?
. When do you take out your cactus for the season? Ie. Date/ month
Do you take them out after a specific chance of frost forecast? Ie after a 50% chance of frost, a 30% chance of frost.
How do you use shade fabric to acclimate your plants to full sun?

Thanks ahead of time
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Re: Spring prep for cactus and succulents ? Acclimating cacti?

Post by MrXeric »

In my part of California I only need to worry about winter rains and not the cold, so I can't offer the best advice. But I would keep the plants under the greenhouse fabric for a couple weeks and then remove it. By then they should be able to take the sun without burning. It's what I do with seedlings or new plants before moving them to direct sun. Note that some growers keep their collection under shade cloth permanently, you would just need to figure what percentage you prefer. The higher % the more sun is blocked, which means plants will grow more lush and green and perhaps even etiolate.
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Re: Spring prep for cactus and succulents ? Acclimating cacti?

Post by jerrytheplater »

Kelly. I don't have a greenhouse. You have a big advantage.

I have sorted my collection into three growth categories: Those requiring cold but above freezing dry conditions over winter, Those requiring cold but below freezing dry conditions, and those requiring warm above 50 but below 80 F brightly lit conditions.

Cold above freezing dry: now stored in a friends commercial greenhouse slightly heated to keep the pipes from freezing-min 35 F. No water. Full sun. These come out of his greenhouse when he needs to start growing plants or they get in the way. This was the first year. It was in March this year. I'd watch the weather and either store them in the garage or indoors and place outdoors when suitable.

Cold below freezing dry: stored in my detached garage with minimal light from a south facing window or the west facing roll up door windows. Temps go down to ambient neg 5 F. I've been keeping plants like this for over 10 years. Bringing them outdoors and beginning watering is different. Outdoors can be anytime starting in Feb if sunny and dry. I don't let them see frost, but some could. Watering starts when it is reliably above 50 or so.

Warm, light, and watered sometimes: These are indoors under a commercial LED light in an unheated room. These are the tricky ones. I'm still bringing them in on these nights where it goes down to the high 40's at night. They are in an eastern exposure and get full sun until noon or so, then shade. Water increases in the warmth. Outdoor sunlight for maybe an hour the first day. Shade the rest of the day. Work up to more sun slowly over a week or two. Its a lot of work.

You have the same problem I had when I was working and not at home. My wife was not able to move my collection from indoors to outdoors and back again every day after a few hours of morning sun. I had to come up with a better idea. I rigged up shade cloth shields for some plants where possible. I kept some on the deck in shade all day till the afternoon when I got home. I burnt some plants. And killed others.
Jerry Smith
Bloomingdale, NJ
45 inches (114 cm) rain equivalent per year, approx. evenly spread per month
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Re: Spring prep for cactus and succulents ? Acclimating cacti?

Post by 7george »

Carpkel wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:02 am

My questions are:

How do you prepare your cacti and succulents to bring them out into full sun?
From my experience I get the best results with pots not being moved year round. But I have sunny windowsills. Every movement is a stress and a risk for our cacti. There is no perfect way to prepare for and avoid sunburn or frosts at 100%.
When do you take out your cactus for the season? Ie. Date/ month
Out: in May (but still taking some out) ; Back -- end of Sept. & beginning of October. I start with hardy ones, then tenders... then in fall in opposite direction. Bringing out only 40 to 50 pots so I'm always ready to react in case of big chance of late or early frost.
Do you take them out after a specific chance of frost forecast? Ie after a 50% chance of frost, a 30% chance of frost.
I look to the local forecast 10-Day Weather Forecast for the neighborhood and know that around the house is 1 - 2 degrees warmer.
How do you use shade fabric to acclimate your plants to full sun?
I place them first in shade or semi-shade and then under stronger sun. Keep the shade fabric 10 - 14 days but this doesn't guarantee safe transitioning. If the greenhouse is not partially shaded (as professionals do) chose a spot with some hours of afternoon shade from a tree, fence or other object. Full sunshine in long May or June days is harsh for tender house-held plants.
If your cacti mess in your job just forget about the job.
°C = (°F - 32)/1.8
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