2yr olds

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2yr olds

Post by Felistrix »

I bought a cacti seed growing set from Amazon 2 yrs ago, they were assorted seeds, and I planted them as directed in June 2019.

These are the survivors, I replanted them into this dish a few weeks ago, because the little pots I had them in were black with mildew, and I felt they needed some fresh soil, I lost one of them after that, but these seem ok

One is obviously different from the others, and while the others are very similar, there does seem to be a difference in the spine patterns on a couple of them.

I'm sure they're still too tiny to identify, but I'd love some expert advice on their care, and if they are a size you'd expect for 2 yr olds.

Thanks in advance.




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Re: 2yr olds

Post by anttisepp »

Ferocactus rectispinus
Carnegiea gigantea
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Re: 2yr olds

Post by greenknight »

Those IDs look good, though many Ferocactus species look similar when young. The middle one is definitely a Ferocactus, in any case. and the spines are long enough that it could be rectispinus.

I hope this dish has drain holes - if not, move them into something that does.

These are not fast-growing cacti, they're doing just fine. No trick to growing them - give them sun, don't overwater - let them dry out between waterings. Pot them individually when they look like they need it, may be a couple years or longer. Have patience, they are slow.
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Re: 2yr olds

Post by Felistrix »

Thank you both. Very much appreciated.
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