10 new succulents (:

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10 new succulents (:

Post by pallaleiga »

Hello everyone! A local grocery store was having a sale on their plants yesterday so I picked up quite a few new ones, including some small succulents. None of them were labeled, and while I have some ideas on a few of them, I'm really not sure what a majority of them are. It would be very helpful to identify these little guys so I know if their care requirements differ from what I usually give my succulents (:

I was going to work on repotting them today since they're in such tiny containers, but alas, I've taken ill so that will have to wait until later tonight or tomorrow ): For now they're just scattered around my room on the empty shelves.

Here are the plants, scroll down to see my comments on them. Thank you very much for any help that you can provide!


1) Variegated, sick, or just this succulent's natural coloration? I really can't tell - these plants may or may not have been left out in the cold temps for a few nights so it might be sick...but it was only a dollar so I didn't mind buying it even if it dies since it looked pretty cool! This one has two rosettes, both a yellow color, while the bigger leaves are green.

2) I believe this one is Titanopsis calcarea?

3) Reminds me of my old Haworthia fasciata that died a few years ago when I first got into succulents and accidentally overwatered it, but it could be an aloe? I'm not sure.

4) I know this one is some sort of common rosetted succulent, like an Echeveria, Graptopetalum, etc, but I'm hopeless when it comes to telling them apart and identifying them LOL

5) Same with 3

6) Gasteria? The closest images I could find online are labeled as either Gasteria bicolor or Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana

7) Crassula ovata? I have either a Gollum or a Hobbit so I'm pretty sure this is a jade

8) No clue. I'm loving the red color, though.

9) Again, no clue.

10) Pretty sure this one is a Kalanchoe tomentosa since I've had them before, although I'm no expert (x
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Re: 10 new succulents (:

Post by greenknight »

#1 Echeveria hybrid? I think you're right about #2 - Titanopsis calcarea. #3 looks like Aloe variegata (Gonialoe variegata). #4 is likely a Graptoveria hybrid (Graptopetalum x Echeveria). #5 looks like a Gasteraloe (Gasteria x Aloe). #6 is certainly a Gasteria, likely bicolor. #7 Yes, Crassula ovata. #8 is an Aloe. I recognize it, but I can't recall the name. #9? #10, definitely Kalanchoe tomentosa.
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Re: 10 new succulents (:

Post by teo »

#9 - Peperomia dolabriformis
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Re: 10 new succulents (:

Post by Shane »

#1 is an Aeonium sp. One of the many cultivars/hybrids. It's supposed to look that way. Could be an A. 'Sunburst'. It's definitely not an Echeveria, they don't have serrated leaf margins

You got some nice plants, congratulations on your purchases
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Re: 10 new succulents (:

Post by esp_imaging »

1 looks like Aeonium "Kiwi", there may be others very similar.
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Re: 10 new succulents (:

Post by Hallow »

I am horrible with names. But there growth habitats tell the tale how to care for them. #2 a slow grower close to the ground= very little water, good sun. 1,4. Medium sized, medium growth. Medium water good sun. #10 Has a "sunscreen" the fuzz. Give lots of sun. Medium growth and gets a good size. Medium water. #7 a typical Jade. They love sun compared to the rest of them. Faster growing and will get the largest. Easy to control growth and size by amount of water you give them.
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Re: 10 new succulents (:

Post by bbarv »

Very nice plants you’ve got!
#3–looks like one of the gasteraloes
#9- Senecio radicans
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