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Anyone in zone 10b?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:40 pm
by maurozzz

Just wondering if anybody is in zone 10b, what cacti do you have out doors an how has your experience been?

Thank you in advanced. :sunny:

Re: Anyone in zone 10b?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:04 pm
by maurozzz
I guess I'm all alone in 10b. =(.....

Re: Anyone in zone 10b?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:27 pm
by ElieEstephane
I'm in the high end of zone 11 so i can't be of much help. The cacti that stay out in the rain here are cereus peruvianus, several opuntia species mostly ficus indica, golden barrels, ferocactus pilosus, lot of aloes, yuccas, agaves, pachycereus pringlei and marginatus...
You shouldn't have much problems in 10b if you provide proper drainage and a good shelter from excess rain

Re: Anyone in zone 10b?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:30 pm
by maurozzz
ElieEstephane wrote: Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:27 pm I'm in the high end of zone 11 so i can't be of much help. The cacti that stay out in the rain here are cereus peruvianus, several opuntia species mostly ficus indica, golden barrels, ferocactus pilosus, lot of aloes, yuccas, agaves, pachycereus pringlei and marginatus...
You shouldn't have much problems in 10b if you provide proper drainage and a good shelter from excess rain
Thank you for your response. I'm having a lot of luck with my cereus peruvianus, repandus, agaves. I am seeing my P. pachycladus develop rot at the tips. They are planted both in pots and in ground. I will keep a close eye on them and make sure have plenty of drainage.

Re: Anyone in zone 10b?

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 2:30 pm
by DesertSun
I live in zone 9b in Greece. Lots of cacti and succulents are suitable for our climate, but I don't have them uncovered, nor planted in the earth, so I cannot talk about these conditions. I intend to plant some in the future though. For now my plants are all sheltered, but exposed to sunlight, just being aware to cover those that could get rained upon. I have cereus, agaves, aloes, sedum, haworthia, crassula, euphorbia, epiphytic cacti, and always adding to my collection.

Re: Anyone in zone 10b?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 5:35 am
by kuni1234567
I live in zone 10b and have been growing cactus and succulents outside for many decades. I have one cactus that I have grown outside for more than fifty years! I have orchids growing next to cactus and succulents and all of them flower. The temperature and humidity are mild and that is the main reason why orchids grow next to desert plants. I have different growing medium and watering schedules as well as the amount and type of fertilizer for each plant.