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Strukto 2012

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:03 am
by Arjen
no plants in flower yet, although there are quite some plants carrying buds

for now an overview of my collection:

the collection, with on the left the plants that are for sale

the seedling table, a bit empty at the moment because most seedlings are in winter storage

heated winter storage, here I keep brazilians, hylocereus, epi's, pereskiopsis and of course my seedlings and grafts

now going home, here is the lightbox with the bagged seedlings in it, just sown a new batch last week!

and in the windowsill the seedlings that are out of their bags

also made all pictures in last years topic visible again: ... 31&t=20605

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:47 am
by CactusBoss
what species are sown in the 4th pictures

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:24 am
by Arjen
oh boy, big question there! here we go:

lobivia famatimensis
lobivia bonniae
escobaria grata
echinocereus arizonicus ssp. arizonicus X davisii
echinocereus pulchellus ssp. sharpii SB1569
echinocereus pentalophus P456
echinocereus papillosus
echinocereus brandegeei
echinocereus chloranthus
echinocereus morricalii
echinocereus pulchellus
echinocereus triglochidiatus
mammillaria duwei
mammillaria perezdelarosae
mammillaria polythele
notocactus erubescens
notocactus buiningii
parodia concinna
turbinicarpus swobodae
turbinicarpus gracilis
acanthocalycium glaucum FK0620
ariocarpus fissuratus
gymnocalicium bodenbenderianum HV0707
gymnocalicium uruguayense LB0680
gymnocalicium mihanovichii
gymnocalicium horstii
gymnocalicium berchtii LB0320
gymnocalicium esperanzae TOM0436.1
gymnocalicium megalothelon LB0923a
neowerdermannia vorwerkii VZ0176
aztekium ritterii
blossfeldia liliputana
copiapoa rupestris
frailea asterioides
frailea pumila
pyrrhocactus vertongenii
strombocactus disciformis
thelocactus bicolor
setiechinopsis mirabilis HV1226
weingartia chuquichuquiensis AW0191
weingartia hediniana 'albiflora'

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:47 am
by Arjen
heralds of spring

cleistocactus winterii

mammillaria hahniana crest a.k.a. the jerk-cactus

stenocactus crispatus

thelocactus hexaedrophorus

pleiospilos nelii

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:30 pm
by Artur89
Hylocereus undatus had flower already?

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:47 pm
by CactusBoss
that cleistocactus winterii almost looks like a natural plant that wasn't grown in cultivation(obviously it was) it just has that look.

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:44 am
by Arjen
artur, no not even a bud yet :( I believe it's supposed to in january..... didn't happen

daniel, funny thing is it's from a small normal growth cutting taken from a crested plant two years ago, it's a really fast grower!
it had its first flowers at the end of last summer which was beautiful

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:30 am
by Arjen
and there it is, the first flower of the season! and also my cue for watering

pleiospilos nelii
pleiospilos nelii 080312.JPG
pleiospilos nelii 080312.JPG (27.71 KiB) Viewed 3093 times

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:39 am
by mughal113
What a way to start the season! Beautiful.

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:50 pm
by bruno
Great plants and nice layout Arjen, well done!
ciao :)

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:37 am
by Arjen
grazie bruno!

by the way, is it possible I'm currently discussing a sulco with you on facebook?

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:54 am
by Arjen
yesterday in bloom, cleistocactus winterii
cleistocactus winterii 160312.JPG
cleistocactus winterii 160312.JPG (32.55 KiB) Viewed 3030 times

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:48 am
by Lazz
Hi StrUktO
Good luck with all those seeds :shock: I've had some mixed seeds going all summer here and they are still alive.
As they are my first effort at seed growing I will be surprised if I have much success.
After seeing the last picture you posted, I'm a bit confused now, it's bit hard to see the shape of the flower but have I got these plants totally wrong?
Whadayarecken? (aussie for "What do you think?" :D )
Cleistocactus winteri (Golden rattail 03-12-2008.jpg
Cleistocactus winteri (Golden rattail 03-12-2008.jpg (13.98 KiB) Viewed 3027 times
Cleistocactus (Borzicactus) Samaipatanus 18-1-2011.jpg
Cleistocactus (Borzicactus) Samaipatanus 18-1-2011.jpg (13.92 KiB) Viewed 3027 times

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:03 am
by Arjen
larry, no seeds so far, if I have some I'll probably sow only few myself, I have to take plenty of cuttings to keep my crest crested!
you may have a lot of succes with growing these, they are fast growers and not demanding at all

I reckon ( ;) ) the first plant looks about right, the shape of the flowers is the same as far as I can see and colours can vary
the second one however looks a lot more 'cleisto' to me, cleistocacti in general have flowers that don't fully open, winterii is the only exception
so... if you have a cleistocactus with flowers that don't fully open it's probably not winterii
samaipatanus is a proper id I think

Re: Strukto 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:21 pm
by Arjen
flowering today, stenocactus crispatus
the first time it has flowered for me and it looks like there's more to come!
stenocactus crispatus 220312.JPG
stenocactus crispatus 220312.JPG (50.85 KiB) Viewed 2969 times
stenocactus crispatus close-up 220312.JPG
stenocactus crispatus close-up 220312.JPG (45.89 KiB) Viewed 2969 times